What is an Edge Database, and why do you need one?

What is an Edge Database, and why do you need one?

Edge Databases – from trends to use cases

Data is decentralized. Cloud computing is centralized.

Forcing the decentralized world into the centralized cloud topology is not only inefficient, but also economically, ecologically and socially wasteful – and sometimes simply impossible.

To drive digitization and extract value from decentralized data, we need to give the cloud an edge, or more precisely add Edge Computing. Edge computing is a decentralized topology for storing and processing data as close as possible to the data source, i.e., the place where the data is produced, at the edge of the network.

Valuable data is increasingly generated in a decentralized manner – outside traditional and centralized data centers and cloud environments. The dominance of centralized cloud computing approaches slows down digitization and the use of this existing decentralized data. Therefore, according to Gartner (2023) “Edge computing is integral to digital transformation”, and we need infrastructure technologies for the edge that enable developers to quickly and reliably work with decentralized edge data.

Edge Database (Foundation for Edge Data Management) is a new type of database that addresses these requirements. Developers need fast local data persistence and decentralized data flows (Data Sync) to implement edge solutions. Edge Databases solve these core edge functionalities out-of-the-box, allowing application developers to quickly implement edge solutions.

Megatrend to decentralized Edge Computing

By 2025, 30+ billion IoT devices will be creating ~4.6 trillion GB of data per day. The growing numbers of devices and data volume, variety, and velocity, as well as bandwidth infrastructure limitations, make it infeasible to store and process all data in a centralized cloud. On top, new use cases come with new requirements, a centralized cloud infrastructure cannot meet. For example, soft and hard response rate requirements, offline-functionality, and security and data protection regulations.


These trends accelerate the shift away from centralized cloud computing to a decentralized edge computing topology. Edge computing refers to decentralized data processing at the “edge” of the network. For example, in a car, on a machine, on a smartphone, or in a building. Hardware specifications do not capture the definition of an “edge device”. The crucial point is rather the decentralized use of data at, or as close as possible to, the data source.

Edge computing itself is not a technology but a topology, and according to McKinsey, one of the top growing trends in tech in 2021. The technologies needed to implement the edge computing topology are still inadequate. More specifically, there is a gap in basic “core” edge technologies, so-called “software infrastructure”. This gap is one of the main reasons for the failure of edge projects.

Needed: Infrastructure Software for Edge Computing

With computing shifting to the edge of the network, the needs of this decentralized topology become clear:

hugh performance db

Need for fast local data storage

→ i.e. a machine on the factory floor collects data on stiffness, friction, pressure points. There is limited space on the device, and typically no connection to the Internet. Even with an Internet connection, high data rates quickly push the available bandwidth, as well as associated networking / cloud costs, to the limit. To be able to use this data, it must be persisted in a structured manner at the edge, e.g. stored locally in a database.

feedback dialogue icon

Need for reliable on-device data flows

→ i.e. the car is an edge device consisting of many control units. Therefore, data must be stored on multiple control units. In order to access and use the data within several of the control units of the car, the data must be selectively synchronized between the devices. A centralized structure and thus a single point of failure is unthinkable.

data sync

Need for edge-to-edge-to-cloud data flows

→ i.e. in a manufacturing hall: Typically, you will find any number of diverse devices from sensors to brownfield to greenfield devices, and no internet connectivity. At the same time, there are diverse employee devices such as tablets or smartphones, as well as central PCs, and a cloud. To extract value from the data, it must be available in raw, aggregated, or summary form, in different places. This means it needs to be synchronized efficiently and selectively, with possible conflicts resolved.


Need for flexible edge data management

→ e.g. with the rise of IoT, time-series data have become common. However, time series data alone is usually not sufficient, and needs to be combined with other data structures (like objects) to add value. At the same time, a push to standardize data formats in industries (e.g. VSS in automotive or Umati in Industrial IoT) requires that the database supports flexible data structures.

Developing solutions without software infrastructure on an individual level is possible, but has many drawbacks:

Custom in-house implementations are cumbersome, slow, costly, and typically scale poorly. Oftentimes, applications or certain feature sets become unfeasible to deliver because of the lack of core software infrastructure. Legacy code and individual workarounds create problems over the lifetime of a product. Instead of a thriving ecosystem, only a few big players are able to implement edge solutions. Innovation and creativity are limited. An edge database is part of the solution and enables the entire edge ecosystem to build edge applications faster, cheaper and more efficiently.


What is an edge database?

An edge database is a new type of database specifically tailored to the unique requirements of the Edge Computing topology. An edge database has specific features that make it easy for application developers to use decentralized data from edge devices when and where needed and focus on value creation. It removes the burden of implementing underlying functionalities for secure storage and the decentralized synchronization of data.

First, an edge database is optimized for resource efficiency (CPU, memory, …) and performance on resource-constrained devices (embedded devices, IoT, mobile). It has a small footprint of a few megabytes. Traditional databases such as MySQL or MongoDB are too large and cumbersome for typical edge devices, and unsuitable for computing at the edge.  

An edge device without data flows to/from other devices is just a data island with very limited utility. Accordingly, an edge database must support the management of decentralized data flows. There is no more efficient way than at the database level. This ideally includes a range of conflict resolution strategies due to the decentralized and multi-directional structure of the Edge.

Data security and protection is an increasingly important issue and can quickly become a showstopper for edge projects.

What is an Edge Database?

When do you need an Edge Database?

Most IoT applications need to store and synchronize data. An edge database is always useful when functions / applications are planned that:

  • should work offline and independent of an internet connection
  • need to guarantee fast response times
  • work with a lot of, possibly high-frequency data
  • need to serve many devices at the same time
  • need historical data

In addition, developers also often decide to use an edge database to save time and nerves, or to be able to react quickly and flexibly to future requirements.

Edge Database Use Case Example in Manufacturing

Today, you can find everything from low-frequency brownfield devices to high-frequency greenfield devices on a factory floor. As a rule, the machine controllers in use are not designed to store or transmit data. They usually lack not only the functionality, but also the resources to support this. Therefore, additional edge devices are often needed to collect, analyze and interpret the huge amounts of data that each machine produces on site. For such an edge device, rapid data persistence and ingestion, and efficient data flow from edge-to-edge and edge-to-cloud are at the heart of value creation. The clear separation of machine control and edge data processing unit ensures that there is no risk of unintentional interference with the machine controller. An edge device with a powerful edge database can support multiple use cases on the shop floor today:


1. Operational efficiency

Process optimization along the line to increase quality and reduce damage. When the first machine in a production line uses a new batch of material, i.e. in sheet metal processing, one of the first steps is to cut a sheet to the required size. At this stage, the machine can already detect the differences in the metal compared to a previous batch (deviations are allowed within the DIN standard). With an Edge device this data can be evaluated, and the relevant information passed on to the next machine. With this data machines further down the line can avoid damage / breakpoints of the material.

2. Condition monitoring

Continuous machine condition monitoring reduces downtime and increases maintenance efficiency. A constant stream of high-frequency machine data is compared against the fingerprint of the machine. Any slight deviation is immediately detected and reported. Catching deviations early reduces down-times and costly repairs.

3. Historical Data

Historical data is stored for learning and training to optimize the production line. With an edge database, the data is persisted and thus available in the event of faulty behavior. In case of an error, the data preceding the incident can be analyzed and used to find the causes and predict, or even avoid, such an error in the future. Chances are that “fuzzy expert knowledge” already available at the production site can be translated into deterministic rules when tested with these data sets.

The future of Edge Databases 

Edge computing provides numerous benefits and enables many applications and functionalities that are only possible with edge computing. However, only a few (usually large) players have been able to create value in edge computing projects, gaining competitive advantages. One reason is a lack of basic edge software. A thriving edge ecosystem necessitates edge software infrastructure that addresses the fundamental recurring needs of edge projects. Edge databases are a critical component in the development of such an ecosystem. Looking further into the future, AI applications’ biggest challenge at this moment is resource-intensity. Databases can give AI apps a long term memory and boost AI app performance while lowering resource use. Distributing this to edge devices will be a game changer for everyday use of AI apps. 

Why do we need Edge Computing for a sustainable future?

Why do we need Edge Computing for a sustainable future?

Centralized data centers use a lot of energy and water, emit a lot of CO2, and generate a lot of electronic waste. In fact, cloud data centers are already responsible for around 300 Mt CO2-eq of greenhouse gas emissions [1]. And the energy consumption of data centers is increasing at an exponential rate [2].

While more data centers are switching to green energy [3], this approach is not nearly enough to solve the problem. A more sustainable approach is to reduce unnecessary cloud traffic, central computation, and storage as much as possible by shifting computation to the edge. In our experience, just reducing data overhead and unnecessary data traversals can easily cut 60-90% of data traffic and thus significantly impact the CO2 footprint of an application, as well as costs.

Edge Computing stores and uses data on or near the device on which it was created. This reduces the amount of traffic sent to the cloud and, on a large scale, has a significant impact on energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Why do Digitization projects need to think about sustainability now?

Given the gravity of the climate crisis, every industry needs to assess its potential environmental impact and find ways to reduce its carbon footprint. The digital world, and its most valuable commodity, data, should not be any different. The digital transformation is ongoing and with it electronic devices and IT usage numbers are exploding. Thus, new apps must consider their carbon footprint throughout their lifecycle, especially resource use in operation and at scale [4]. 

Also, think about this: The share of global electricity used by data centers is already estimated to be around 1-3% [1] and data centers generate 2% of worldwide CO2 emissions (on par with the aviation industry) [5]. 54% of all emissions due to cloud data centers are caused by the big hyperscalers (Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Alibaba Cloud) [6]. On top of this, providing and maintaining cloud infrastructure (manufacturing, shipping of hardware, buildings and lines) also consumes a huge amount of greenhouse gasses [7] and produces a lot of abnormal waste (e.g. toxic coolants) at the end of life [8].

sustainable edge computing

Bearing that in mind, the growth rate for data center demand is concerning. The steady increase in data processing, storage, and traffic in the future, comes with a forecasted electricity consumption by data centers to grow by 10% a year [9]. In fact, estimations expect the communications industry to use 20% of all the world’s electricity by 2025 [10].

sustainable edge computing

Shifting to green energy is a good step. However, a more effective and ultimately longer term solution requires looking at the current model of data storage, filtering, processing and transferal. By implementing Edge Computing, we can reduce the amount of useless and wasteful data traversing to and from the cloud as much as possible, thus reducing overall energy requirements in the long term. Of course, everyone can make a difference with their daily behavior and for developers that is especially true: Applying green coding principles helps producing applications that produce lower CO2 emissions over the whole app lifetime. 

What is Edge Computing?

Until recently 90% of enterprise data was sent to the cloud, but this is changing rapidly. In fact, this number is dropping to only 25% by 2025, according to Gartner. By then, most of the data will be stored and used locally, on the device it was created on, e.g. on smartphones, cars, trains, machines, watches. This is Edge Computing, and it is an inherently decentralized computing paradigm (as opposed to the centralized cloud computing approach). Accordingly, every edge device needs the same technology stack (just in a much smaller format) as a cloud server. This means: An operating system, a data storage / persistence layer (database), a networking layer, security functionalities etc. that run efficiently on restricted hardware.

As you can only use the devices’ resources, which can be pretty limited, inefficient applications can push a device to its limits, leading to slow response rates, crashes, and battery drain.

edge device architecture


Edge Computing is much more than some simple data pre-processing, which takes advantage of only a small portion of the computing that is possible on the edge. An Edge Database is a prerequisite for meaningful Edge Computing. With an Edge Database, data can be stored and processed on the devices directly (the so-called edge). Only useful data is sent to the server and saved there, reducing the networking traffic and computing power used in data centers tremendously, while also making use of the computing resources of devices which are already in use. This greatly reduces bandwidth and energy required by data centers. On top, Edge Computing also provides the flexibility to operate independently from an Internet connection, enables fast real time response rates, and cuts cloud costs.

Why is Edge Computing sustainable?

Edge Computing reduces network traffic and data center usage

With Edge Computing the amount of data traversing the network can be reduced greatly, freeing up bandwidth. Bandwidth is a measure of the quantity / size of data a network can transfer in a given time frame. Bandwidth is shared among users. Accordingly, the more data is supposed to be sent via the network at a given moment, the slower the network speed. Data on the edge is also much more likely to be useful and indeed used on the edge, in context of its environment. Instead of constantly sending data strems to the cloud, it therefore makes sense to work with the data on the edge and only send that data to the cloud that really is of use there (e.g. results, aggregated data etc.).

Edge computing is optimized for efficiency

Edge “data centers” are typically more efficient than cloud data centers. As described above, resources on edge devices are restricted. Therefore, and as opposed to cloud infrastructure, edge devices do not scale horizontally. That is one reason why every piece of the edge tech stack is – typically and ideally – highly optimized for resource efficiency. Any computing done more efficiently helps reduce energy consumption. Taking into account the huge number of devices already deployed , the worldwide impact of reducing resource use for the same operations is significant.

Edge Computing uses available hardware

There is a realm of edge devices already deployed that is currently underused. Many existing devices are capable of data persistence, and some even for fairly complex computing. When these devices – instead – send all of their data to the cloud, an opportunity is lost. Edge Computing enables companies to use existing hardware and infrastructure (retrofitting),  taking advantage of the available computing power. If these devices continue to be underused, we will need to build bigger and bigger central data centers, simultaneously burdening existing network infrastructure and reducing bandwidth for senselessly sending everything to the cloud.

Cloud versus Edge: an Example

Today, many projects are built based on cloud computing. Especially in first prototypes or pilots, cloud computing offers an easy and fast start. However, with scale, cloud computing often becomes too slow, expensive, and unreliable. In a typical cloud setup, data is gathered on edge devices and forwarded to the cloud for computation and storage. Often a computed result is sent back. In this design, the edge devices are dumb devices that are dependent upon a working internet connection and a working cloud server; they do not have any intelligence or logic of their own. In a smart home cloud example, data would be sent from devices in the home, e.g. a thermostat, the door, the TV etc. to the cloud, where it is saved and used.

Cloud vs Edge

If the user would want to make changes via a cloud-based mobile app when in the house, the changes would be sent to the cloud, changed there and then from there be sent to the devices. When the Internet connection is down or the server is not working, the application will not work.

With Edge Computing, data stays where it is produced, used and where it belongs – without traversing the network unnecessarily. This way, cloud infrastructure needs are reduced in three ways: Firstly, less network traffic, secondly, less central storage and thirdly less computational power. Rather, edge computing makes use of all the capable hardware already deployed in the world. E.g. in a smart home, all the data could stay within the house and be used on site. Only the small part of the data truly needed accessible from anywhere would be synchronized to the cloud.

Cloud vs Edge

Take for example a thermostat in such a home setting: it might produce 1000s of temperature data points per minute. However, minimal changes typically do not matter and data updates aren’t necessary every millisecond. On top, you really do not need all this data in the cloud and accessible from anywhere.

With Edge Computing, this data can stay on the edge and be used within the smart home as needed. Edge Computing enables the smart home to work fast, efficiently, and autonomous from a working internet connection. In addition, the smart home owner can keep the private data to him/herself and is less vulnerable to hacker attacks. 

How does ObjectBox make Edge Computing even more sustainable?

ObjectBox improves the sustainability of Edge Computing with high performance and efficiency: our 10X speed advantage translates into less use of CPU and battery / electricity. With ObjectBox, devices compute 10 times as much data with equivalent power. Due to the small size and efficiency, ObjectBox runs on restricted devices allowing application developers to utilize existing hardware longer and/or to do more instead of existing infrastructure / hardware.

Alongside the performance and size advantages, ObjectBox’ Sync solution takes care of making data available where needed when needed. It allows synchronization in an offline setting and / or to the cloud. Based on efficient syncing principles, ObjectBox Sync aims to reduce unnecessary data traffic as much as possible and is therefore perfectly suited for efficient, useful, and sustainable Edge Computing. Even when syncing the same amount of data, ObjectBox Sync reduces the bandwidth needed and thus cloud networking usage, which incidentally reduces cloud costs.

ObjectBox’ Time Series feature, provides users an intuitive dashboard to see patterns behind the data, further helping users to track thousands of data points/second in real-time.

How Edge Computing enables new use cases that help make the world more sustainable

As mentioned above, there are a variety of IoT applications that help reduce waste of all kinds. These applications can have a huge impact on creating a more sustainable world, assuming the applications themselves are sustainable. Three powerful examples to demonstrate the huge impact IoT applications can have on the world:


Reducing Food Waste

From farm to kitchen, IoT applications can help to reduce food waste across the food chain. Sensors used to monitor the cold chain, from field to supermarket, can ensure that food maintains a certain temperature, thus guaranteeing that products remain food safe and fresh longer, reducing food waste. In addition, local storage can be used to power apps that fight household waste (you can learn how to build a food sharing app yourself in Flutter with this tutorial).

light bulb

Smart City Lighting

Smart City Lighting: Chicago has implemented a system which allows them to save approx. 10 million USD / year and London estimates it can save up to 70% of current electricity use and costs as well as maintenance costs through smart public lighting systems [10].


Reducing Water Waste

Many homes and commercial building landscapes are still watered manually or on a set schedule. This is an inexact method of watering, which does not take into account weather, soil moistness, or the water levels needed by the plant. Using smart IoT water management solutions, landscape irrigation can be reduced, saving water and improving landscape health.

These positive effects are all the more powerful when the applications themselves are sustainable.

Sustainable digitization needs an edge

The benefits of cloud computing are broad and powerful, however there are costs to this technology. A combination of green data centers and Edge Computing helps to resolve these often unseen costs. With Edge Computing we can reduce the unnecessary use of bandwidth and server capacity (which comes down to infrastructure, electricity and physical space) while simultaneously taking advantage of underused device resources. Also with AI growing in popularity, Edge Computing will become very relevant for sustainable AI applications. AI applications are very resource intensive and Edge AI will help to distribute workloads in a resourceful manner, lowering the resource-use. One example of this is an efficient local vector database. ObjectBox amplifies these benefits, with high performance on small devices and efficient data synchronization – making edge computing an even more sustainable solution.

Green Coding: Developing Sustainable Software for a Greener Future

Green Coding: Developing Sustainable Software for a Greener Future

Digitization helps to save CO₂ – many experts agree on that. But things are not that simple, because the creation of software and its use contribute to greenhouse gas emissions too. All code creates a carbon footprint. Software development and use affect the environment from the energy consumed while running to the associated electronic device waste. Choosing a sustainable software architecture matters, but every developer also can make a difference by applying green coding principles. 

This article will explore the importance of green software development and its main principles.

Green Software Development: Balancing Digitization and Environmental Sustainability

In this section, we’ll first define some important terms in the topic of environmentally conscious software development. Then, we’ll discuss why it is relevant and discussing the broader benefits of adopting green coding practices.

What does sustainability in software development mean?

In our view, sustainability in software development (also “green software development”) entails developing and maintaining software in a way that is not only environmentally, but also socially and economically responsible. So, what really counts is the long-term bottom-line value from a general societal perspective, not an “individual balance sheet”.

There are many trade-offs in such an ambition, and therefore sustainable software development is rather a set of guiding principles than hands-on measures that are truly the same for everyone. Let’s dive a bit into how sustainable software development can contribute to all three aspects:

Environmental aspects

Since software is a significant source of direct greenhouse gas emissions, it is becoming more important to create software that reduces resource use as much as possible. As the world becomes more reliant on technology, energy consumption and carbon footprint of software will continue to grow. By adopting green software development practices, software developers can help to mitigate these environmental impacts.


Broader Economic contribution

If a software uses less energy and resources to accomplish the same tasks as another software, the users of that software can reduce their operating costs and improve their bottom line. Increasing the longevity of hardware (less wear, but also less hw requirements extending the usability of existing hw) also yields direct economic savings for the software users (companies as well as individuals). On a broader level, this compounds significantly over the number of users and with time and thus contributes to economic welfare. What sounds like a small contribution does add up tremendously in the end…

Social impact

Sustainable software development includes responsibility for the social impact of the software created. As a result, sustainable software aims to be transparent, inclusive, and offer data sovereignty. By giving individuals and organizations greater control over their own data, software empowers them and protects their privacy. At the same time, it promotes greater accountability and transparency in data-driven decision-making.

Overall, sustainability in software development involves taking a holistic approach. On top, sustainable software companies take steps to minimize negative impacts and promote positive ones over the long term.

This is why it has been one of our core values since we started ObjectBox:

Be Sustainable in every respect – we apply sutainability to our technology, as well as the people and small every-day decisions. ObjectBox aims to be the most resourceful data management solution for connected devices. We strive to save resources (energy, CO₂, bandwidth, time, etc.), but also always choose the sustainable path (recycled paper, saving energy, etc.), and support our employees to lead balanced and sustainable lives.

What is green coding / green software development?

Recently, the term “green coding” has emerged to describe the practice of creating and writing code (aka software) in a way that minimizes its environmental impact. This can involve using efficient code that consumes less energy, optimizing data usage, and reducing electronic waste.

What is the difference between Green IT and Green Coding?

Green IT is primarily about the hardware and the optimization of data centers. Today, it often actually is about optimizing cloud usage. The code decides whether this hardware is used efficiently. By contrast, green coding is about making the code more efficient, so that running the code (e.g. using an app on the smartphone, or using an email program) uses less resources and less electricity, thus producing less CO₂. 

Why is it time for developers to prioritize environmental sustainability?

Various studies estimate the Carbon footprint of the digital economy to be between 2.3 – 3.7% percent of global CO₂ emissions 😱 [1]. Although the impact of software on the environment may not yet be as dramatic as that of manufacturing, it keeps growing rapidly each year. By taking sustainable decisions in software development, we can make it part of the carbon solution of the future. 

Every line of code – scaled up to hundreds, thousands, or even millions of devices (desktops, smartphones, tablets…) worldwide – has the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption and CO₂ emissions.

How to put sustainable software development into practice?

We believe two key aspect to develop sustainable software, that creates bottom-line value, are:

  • minimize the resource consumption of software especially during operation, where most resources are consumed – be dilligent about that; it compounds
  • keep data as much as possible where it is produced, used and belongs (e.g. with the end users) and avoid unnecessary data transferals, superfluous cloud use, and unnecessarily storing data in the cloud

Both measures have significant environmental, social, and economic impact, short- and long-term.

It’s time we as developers start thinking about our impact on the planet and make sustainability a part of our everyday coding mindset. We can make a difference by incorporating sustainability into every action and decision we take when developing software. Careful measuring and optimizing the resource along the way is also important. The welcome side effect: fast software that is cheap to run and fun to use 🙂

For example, at ObjectBox, we’re all about maximizing the use of computing resources and minimizing resource waste of every line of code (LOC). This makes ObjectBox not only environmentally sustainable, but at the same time superfast, usable on low end devices w. little hw requirements, and cheap in operational costs 🤯

💚 Responsible development practices pay off in several respects and we really cannot see a huge tradeoff. All it costs is spending more time and brain on optimizations, benchmarking, and dilligently applying this approach to every line of code.

💚 As a developer tool, our impact is broader than a developer’s impact on end-users. So, we’re committed to using resources efficiently and reducing waste at every stage of the game.

Guidelines to start making your code more sustainable

Some more tipps how to put sustainable software development into practice:

  • Energy efficiency: Developing software that is energy-efficient can help to reduce its environmental impact by minimizing the amount of energy required to run software. 
  • Responsible sourcing: Using responsibly sourced hardware, software, and other materials can help to reduce the environmental impact of software development.
  • Longevity: Developing software that is designed to last can help to reduce waste and promote sustainability by reducing the need for frequent updates and replacements.
  • Accessibility: Making software accessible to a wide range of users can help to promote social sustainability by ensuring that everyone has access to the benefits of technology.
  • Data sovereignty, privacy and security: Protecting user data and maintaining strong cybersecurity measures can help to promote sustainability by preventing data breaches and other security incidents that can have negative social and economic impacts.

Examples of sustainable coding: More impactful than you would expect

1. How can a millisecond be worth 2 days?

Real world example: By reducing the resolution of images in a banking app with 500.000 users, whose users on average opened it daily, developers saved more than 2 days of total operational time (up time) [2].

 2. How can 2 grams of CO₂ savings / hour be worth 330.000 t CO2?

Theoretical consideration: Netflix states that streaming its content produces 55 grams of CO₂ per hour [3]. This gives us 40 kilograms of CO₂ per year for daily streaming of two hours per person [4]. With Netflix users being 230M, a reduction would have an enormous scaling factor [5]. Assuming a Netflix developer reduces the 55 grams to 53 grams, you get 330 kt of CO₂ in potential savings. Note: This is a highly theoretical example, just to demonstrate the thinking.
Anyways: Individuals can’t save that much as easily. That’s the impact you as a programmer have!

3. How much CO₂ can local storage save in 1 million cars?

Sending and storing 1 GB of data in the cloud needs about 5 kWh of electricity, while local storage only needs about 0.000005 kWh, which is a million times lower. Making the switch to local storage in 1 Million cars would lead to saving 905 kg of CO₂ every second. If you want to know what that actually means, you can translate that into equivalents: CO2 equivalencies or the CO2 calculator

👉 These examples clearly illustrate the potential impact of shifting towards an environmentally conscious mindset when developing software. Now that we know the why, it’s time to discuss the how.

Sustainable Edge Data Managment w. ObjectBox – a ready-made developer tool

ObjectBox is a free Edge Database that can help reduce the environmental impact of apps. It is optimized for computing resource efficiency and empowers developers to store and use data locally and create offline-first apps. Unless the data is really needed in the cloud, this is way more energy-efficient and sustainable compared to a cloud setup. On top, it works independant from an Internet connection being available and is superfast while saving battery, making it an ideal choice for apps that prioritize sustainability.

What is an Edge Database?

An Edge Database is a type of database that is used on the “edge” of a network, closer to the data sources and devices generating data. Traditional databases, on the other hand, are usually set up in centralized data centers or in the cloud.

Edge databases are essential when devices need to work offline, guarantee response times, speed is of the essence, you have limited Internet connectivity, mission-critical scenarios, or when handling high-frequency data. By processing data locally on the edge, Edge Databases can reduce latency and improve performance while also reducing the amount of data transferred over the network.

Edge databases have a small footprint and are designed to run on restricted devices such as routers, IoT gateways, mobile phones, and other embedded systems. They typically incorporate features needed in distributed systems, such as data synchronization, caching, and offline support to ensure that data remains available even in the event of network outages or other disruptions.

ObjectBox Sync is a highly efficient and sustainable data synchronization solution. It reduces the amount of energy used by having as little overhead as possible when sending data combined with solid compression, avoiding data transformations, and only syncing data changes instead of sending all data to the cloud all the time. Developers have control over what data is synced when.

Overall, ObjectBox DB + Sync is a powerful tool for building fast apps that prioritize consuming less energy and saving device resources. By storing data locally and only syncing when and where needed, developers can ensure that their apps are as sustainable as possible, and save on cloud costs along the way. 

Embedded databases – what is an embedded database? and how to choose one

Embedded databases – what is an embedded database? and how to choose one

What is an Embedded Database?

What is a database?

While – strictly speaking – “database” refers to a (systematic) collection of data, “Database Management System” (or DBMS) refers to the piece of software for storing and managing that data. However, often the term “database” is also used loosely to refer to a DBMS, and you will find most DBMS only use the term database in their name and communication.

What does embedded mean in the realm of databases?

The term “embedded” can be used with two different meanings in the database context. A lot of confusion arises from these terms being used interchangeably. So, let’s first bring clarity into the terminology.

 💡 The term “embedded” in databases

 Embedded database”, meaning a database that is deeply integrated, built into the software instead of coming as a standalone app. The embedded database sits on the application layer and needs no extra server. Also referred to as an “embeddable database”,  “embedded database management system” or “embedded DBMS (Database Management System)”. 

“Database for embedded systems” is a database specifically designed to be used in embedded systems. Embedded systems consist of a hardware / software stack that is deeply integrated, e.g. microcontrollers or mobile devices. A database for such systems must be small and optimized to run on highly restricted hardware (small footprint, efficiency). This can be also called an “embedded system database”. For clarity, we will only use the first term in this article.

Embedded Database vs Embedded System

What is an embedded system / embedded device?

Embedded systems / embedded devices are everywhere nowadays. They are used in most industries, ranging from manufacturing and automotive, to healthcare and consumer electronics. Essentially, an embedded system is a small piece of hardware that has software integrated in it. These are typically highly restricted (CPU, power, memory, …) and connected (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, …) devices. Embedded Systems very often form a part of a larger system. Each individual embedded system serves a small number of specific functions within the larger system. As a result, embedded systems often form a complex decentralized system.


Examples of embedded systems: smartphones, controlling units, micro-controllers, cameras, smart watches, home appliances, ATMs, robots, sensors, medical devices, and many more.

Embedded Database vs Database for Embedded Systems

When and why is there a need for a database for embedded devices?

A large number of embedded systems has limited computational power, so the efficiency and footprint of the DBMS is vital. This fact gave rise to the new market of databases specifically made for embedded systems. Because of being lightweight and highly-performant, embedded databases might work well in embedded systems. However, not all embedded databases are suitable for embedded devices. Features like fast and efficient local data storage and efficient synchronisation with the backend play a huge role in determining which databases work best in embedded systems. 

A database that is both embedded in the application and works well in embedded systems is called an Edge database. To clarify, Edge Database is an embedded database optimised for resource-efficiency on restricted decentralised devices (this typically means embedded devices) with limited resources. Mobile databases, for example, are a type of Edge databases that support mobile operating systems, like Android and iOS.

New Edge databases solve the challenge of an insanely growing number of embedded devices. This applies to both in the professional / industrial as well as the consumer world. Edge databases hence create value for decentralised devices and data by making the former more useful. 

    A database for embedded systems / embedded devices can be simultaneously an embedded database. However, more important is its performance with regards to on-device resource use to serve the restricted devices. A database that is embedded and optimized for restricted devices is called “Edge database”.

    Why use an embedded database in an embedded system?

    First of all, local data storage enabled by embedded databases is a big advantage for embedded systems. Due to the limited connectivity or realtime requirements that these systems often experience, one often cannot rely on it for retrieving data from the cloud. Instead, a smart solution would be to store data locally on the device and sync it with other parts of the system only when needed.

    Aside: a word about data sync. Embedded systems often deal with large amounts of data, while also having an unreliable or non-permanent connection. This can be imposed by the limitations of the system or done deliberately to save battery life. Thus, a suitable synchronisation solution should not only sync data every time there is a connection, but also do it efficiently. For example, differential sync works well: by only sending the changes to the server, it will help to avoid unnecessary energy use and also save network costs.

    The two most important features of databases in embedded systems are performance and reliability. A database used in embedded systems should perform well on devices with limited CPU and memory. This is why embedded databases might work well in embedded systems – they are largely designed to work in exactly such environments. Some of them are truly tiny, which means they thrive in small applications. While better performance helps to eliminate some of the risks, it does not help with sudden power failures. Therefore, a good data recovery procedure is also important. This is most consisely demonstrated by ACID compliance.

    Let’s have a look at the features of embedded databases that make them a great choice for embedded systems. 

    Advantages of embedded databases

    1. High performance. Truly embedded databases benefit from simpler architecture, as they do not require a separate server module. While the client/server architecture might benefit from the ability to install the server on a more powerful computer, this also means more risk. Getting rid of the client/server communication level reduces complexity and therefore boosts performance. 
    2. Reliability. Many embedded devices use battery power, so sudden power failures might happen. Therefore, the data management solution should be built to ensure that data is fully recovered in case of a power failure. This is a popular feature of embedded databases that are built with embedded systems in mind.  
    3. Ease of use and low maintenance. Other important benefits of using an embedded database include easy implementation and low maintenance. Designing embedded devices often requires working in tight schedules, so choosing an out-of-the-box data persistence solution is the best choice for many projects. Since embedded databases are embedded directly in the application, they do not need administration and effectively manage themselves.
    4. Small footprint. Embedded databases do not always have a small footprint, but some of them are smaller than 1 MB, which makes them particularly suitable for mobile and IoT devices with limited memory.
    5. Scalability. As the number of embedded devices grows every year, so does the data volume. An efficient solution should not only perform well with large sets of data, but also adapt to new device features and easily change to fit the needs of a new device. This is where rigid database schemas come as a disadvantage.


    How to choose an embedded database

    When choosing an embedded database, look out for such factors as ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) compliance, CRUD performance, footprint, and (depending on the device needs) data sync.

    SQLite and SQlite alternatives – a detailed look at the market of embedded databases

    Database solution Primary model Minimum footprint Sync Languages
    SQLite relational <1MB no C/C++, Tcl, Python, Java, Go, Matlab, PHP, and more
    Mongo Realm object-oriented NoSQL database 5 MB+ sync only via Mongo Cloud Swift, Objective-C, Java, Kotlin, C#, JavaScript
    Berkeley DB NoSQL database; key-value store <2MB no C++, C#, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk and Tcl
    LMDB key-value store <1MB no C++, Java, Python, Lua, Go, Ruby, Objective-C, JavaScript, C#, Perl, PHP, etc
    RocksDB key-value store   no C++, C, Java, Python, NodeJS, Go, PHP, Rust, and others
    ObjectBox object-oriented NoSQL database <1MB offline, on-premise and cloud Sync, p2p Sync is planned Java, Kotlin, C, C++, Swift, Go, Flutter / Dart, Python
    Couchbase Lite NoSQL DB; document store 1-5 MB sync needs a Couchbase Server Swift, Objective-C, C#, C, Java, Kotlin, JavaScript
    UnQLite NoSQL; document & key-value store ~1.5 MB no C, C++, Python
    extremeDB in-memory relational DB, hybrid persistence <1 MB no C, C#, C++, Java, Lua, Python, Rust

    When to use an Embedded Database and how to choose one

    Firstly, when choosing a database for an embedded system, one has to consider several factors. The most important ones are performance, reliability, maintenance and footprint. On highly restricted devices, even a small difference in one of those parameters might make an impact. While building your own solution with a particular device in mind would certainly work well, tight schedules and additional effort don’t always justify this decision. This is why we recommend choosing one of the ready-made solutions that were built with the specifics of embedded systems in mind. 

    Secondly, to avoid unnecessary network and battery use, you might want to choose an embedded database. On top, an efficient differential data sync solution will help reduce overhead and reduce the environmental footprint.

    Finally, there are several embedded databases that perform well on embedded devices. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s up to you to choose the right one for your use case. That being said, we’d like to point out that ObjectBox outperforms all competitors across each CRUD operation. See it for yourself by checking out our open source performance benchmarks.

    What is Data Synchronization + How to Keep Data in Sync

    What is Data Synchronization + How to Keep Data in Sync

    What is Data Sync / Data Synchronization in app development?

    Data Synchronization (Sync) is the process of establishing consistency and consolidation of data between different devices. It is fundamental to most IT solutions, especially in IoT and Mobile. Data Sync entails the continuous harmonization of data over time and typically is a complex, non-trivial process. Even corporates struggle with its implementation and had to roll back Data Sync solutions due to technical challenges. 

    The question Data Sync answers is


    How do you keep data sets from two (or more) data stores / databases – separated by space and time – mirrored with one another as closely as possible, in the most efficient way?

    Data Sync challenges include asynchrony, conflicts, slow bandwidth, flaky networks, third-party applications, and file systems that have different semantics.

    Data Sync versus Data Replication in Databases


    Data replication is the process of storing the same data in several locations to prevent data loss and improve data availability and accessibility. Typically, data replication means that all data is fully mirrored / backed up / replicated on another instance (device/server). This way, all data is stored at least twice. Replication typically works in one direction only (unidirectional); there is no additional logic to it and no possibility of conflicts.

    In contrast, Data Sync typically relates to a subset of the data (selection) and works in two directions (bi-directional). This adds a layer of complexity, because now conflicts can arise. Of course, if you select all data for synchronisation into one direction, it will yield the same result as replication. However, replication cannot replace synchronization.

    Why do you need to keep data in sync?

    Think about it – if clocks were not in sync, everyone would live on a different time. While I can see an upside to this, it would result in many inefficiencies as you could not rely on schedules. When business data is not in sync (up-to-date everywhere), it harms the efficiency of the organization due to:

    • Isolated data silos
    • Conflicting data / information states
    • Duplicate data / double effort
    • Outdated information states / incorrect data

    In the end, the members of such an organization would not be able to communicate and collaborate efficiently with each other. They would instead be spending a lot of time on unnecessary work and “conflict resolution”. On top, management would miss an accurate overview and data-driven insights to prioritize and steer the company. The underlying mechanism that keeps data up-to-date across devices is a technical process called data synchronization (Sync). And while we expect these processes to “just work”, someone needs to implement and maintain them, which is a non-trivial task.

    Growing data masses and shifts in data privacy requirements call for sensible usage of network bandwidth and the cloud. Edge computing with selective data synchronization is an effective way to manage which data is sent to the cloud, and which data stays on the device. Keeping data on the edge and synchronizing selective data sets effectively, reduces the data volume that is transferred via the network and stored in the cloud. Accordingly, this means lower mobile networking and cloud costs. On top, it also enables higher data security and data privacy, because it makes it easy to store personal and private data with the user. When data stays with the user, data ownership is clear too.

    Unidirectional Data Replication


    Bidirectional Data Synchronization


    Out-of-the-box Sync magic: Syncing is hard

    Almost every Mobile or IoT application needs to sync data, so every developer is aware of the basic concept and challenges. This is why many experienced developers appreciate out-of-the-box solutions. While JSON / REST offers a great concept to transfer data, there is more to Data Sync than what it looks like at a glance. Of course, the complexity of Sync varies widely depending on the use case. For example, the amount of data, data changes, synchronous / asynchronous sync, and number of devices (connections), and what kind of client-server or peer-to-peer setup is needed, all affect the complexity.


    What looks easy in practice hides a complex bit of coding and opens a can of worms for testing. For an application to work seamlessly across devices – independent of the network, which can be offline, flaky, or only occasionally connected – an app developer must anticipate and handle a host of local and network failures to ensure data consistency. Moreover, for devices with restricted memory, battery and/or CPU resources (i.e. Mobile and IoT devices), resource sensitivity is also essential. Data storage and synchronization solutions must be both effective / efficient, and sustainable.

    How to Keep Data in Sync Without the Headache?

    Thankfully, there are out-of-the-box data synchronization solutions available on the market, which solve data syncing for developers. They fall broadly into two categories: cloud-dependent data synchronization, and independent, “edge” data synchronization. Cloud-based solutions, like Firebase, require a connection to the internet to function. Data is sent to and requested from the cloud constantly. Edge solutions, like ObjectBox, also offer “Offline Sync”: Data is stored in an efficient on-device database, synchronization on and between edge devices can be done continually without an Internet connection, and Dat Sync with a cloud or a backend that is not located on premise occurs once the device(s) goes online. Below, we summarize the most popular market offerings for data synchronization (offline and cloud based):



    Couchbase is a Cloud DB, Edge DB and Sync offering that requires the use of Couchbase servers.



    Firebase is a Backend as a Service (BaaS) offering from Google (acquired). Google offers it as a cloud hosted solution for mobile developers.


    Mongo Realm

    Realm was acquired by MongoDB in 2019; the Mongo Realm Sync solution is now in Alpha and available hosted with MongoDB.



    ObjectBox is a DB for any device, from restricted edge devices to servers, and offers an out-of-the-box Sync solution. ObjectBox enables self-hosting on-premise / in the cloud, as well as Offline Sync.



    Parse is a BaaS offering that Facebook acquired and shut down. Facebook open sourced the code. The GitHub repository is not officially maintained. You can host Parse yourself or use a Parse hosting service.

    Data Sync, Edge Computing, and the Future of Data

    There is a megashift happening in computing from centralized cloud computing to Edge Computing. Edge computing is a decentralized topology entailing storing and using data as close to the source of the data as possible, i.e. directly on edge devices. Accordingly, the market is growing rapidly with projections estimating continuing growth with a 34% CAGR for the next five years. The move from the cloud to the edge is strongly driven by new use cases and growing data masses Edge data persistence and Data Sync (managing decentralized data flows), especially “Offline Sync”, are the key technologies needed for Edge Computing. Using edge data persistence, data can be stored and processed on the edge. This means application always work, independent from a network connection, offline. Faster response times can be guaranteedWith Offline Sync, data can be synchronized between several edge devices in any location independant from an Internet connection. Once a connection becomes available, selected data can be synchronized with  a central server. By exchanging less data with the cloud or a central instance, data synchronization reduces the burden on the network. This brings down mobile network and cloud costs, and reduces the amount of energy used: a win-win-win solution. It also enables data privacy by design.

    Building a Business on Open Source

    Building a Business on Open Source

    What is open source software?

    For the sake of unambiguity: Open source software (OSS) primarily means that the source code of the software is accessible and users are free to use the code as they please. Depending on the license, you might be expected to attribute the source code to the authors and / or commit code enhancements back. Note: It’s “free” as in “freedom” not as in “free beer”. 


    Open Source and Commercialisation?

    The origins of open source did not entail commercialization thoughts. However, in the last 20 years a lot of things have changed, and open source projects have seen commercial successes – though not always by the creators and maintainers… Open source is in its core tied to a philosophy and value set for many people. Simplified: For the developer community by and large open source is considered to be “good”  versus proprietory source code is considered to be “evil”.

    In any case, open source is one way to keep up an active vibrant developer ecosystem that empowers individual developers as well as startups and smaller players. Open Source is actually one piece of the IT ecosystem that helps balance the Big Tech and drive overall innovation. However, we also believe the open source ecosystem needs more balance to be successful longterm. If widely used open source repos cannot even sustain the half or full developer resource needed to maintain them, then there might well be a flaw in the system. If startups cannot build a business around their widely used open source code to sustain it longterm, it is to the disadvantage of the community, especially for the individual developers and SMEs. And likely, the learning at some point will be to keep the source closed instead.

    In the following we will share, why we believe now is the unique opportunity to add fairness and balance for the value creators to the open source ecosystem to keep that ecosystem thriving and successful longterm.

    What do we mean with “building a business on open source”?

    In many talks with many people, we found there’s at least two diametric conceptions of building a business on open source:

    1) using open source software for free and building something around it to earn money
    2) developing a solution and open sourcing it or parts of it as part of the business model

    In this article, we mean the latter and it inherently entails contributing a useful part of a solution to open source. For some open source enthusiasts a company needs to open source everything to be an open source company, and that’s ok. It is just our definition for this article.

    A look at the market – the struggle of open source businesses

    The Open Source Gold Rush: Success Stories

    In the last years there have been many open source success stories, e.g. MongoDB, elastic, Cloudera all IPOd very successfully. There seemingly is a lot of money in open source businesses, e.g. a study by Fraunhofer concluded that “the EU economy is hugely benefiting from global OSS.” [1] Also, companies and big corporations are way more open to work with open source software, indeed 2020 was the first year where open source databases were on par with closed-source databases with regards to corporate adoption (see chart). [2]

    And a recent (2021) report showed that across 17 industries, from 1,546 codebases 98% contained open source code. [3] There even is a bit of a hype that open source is the path to success. Now that it’s clear that it is possible to build a business with open source software, VCs also are more open to funding open source businesses. An Andreessen Horowitz report reveals that OSS companies have raised over $10B in capital with a trend towards bigger and bigger deals. [4] Annual invested capital in open-source and related dev tools has increased at around 10% CAGR over the last 5 years. [5] In the years 2018 and 2019 acquisitions, mergers, and IPOs from open-source companies generated over 80USD billion liquidity value according to Bessemer Venture Partners. [6]

    The struggle of turning Open Source into a Business

    GitHub Sponsorship fail Historically, open source companies have struggled with turning open source adoption into monetary success, “less than a decade ago open source was considered almost impossible to monetize.” [7] Sadly, that’s still a reality today for many open source maintainers and companies alike. Lots of open source maintainers with widely used open source code (“successful open source”), cannot get enough financial support to maintain the code. Of course, there are some successes, but in the end that might also be a question of ratios. For example, in 2020 GitHub reported having more than 190 million repositories. Even if only 10% of those do want to build a business on top of their code, how many of those see a financial reward? Gut feel: Far less than typical startup success odds. On top: What looks successful from the outside, might not really be a viable self-sustained business. Despite its many users, MongoDB spent $100M on development, and it took them more than 10 years to become profitable according to their own statements. [8] 

    db-enginesMariaDBvsMySQL A lot of tech companies struggle with – and spend a lot of time on – all the decisions around an open source business model. It isn’t easy, read up how GitLab struggled with finding a business model, or look closer into the MySQL story, and the MariaDB journey (which is a MySQL fork by the founders and original authors of MySQL); look at blog posts from CockroachDB, MongoDB, or elastic on open source – and what you see is a constant re-positioning of open source strategies.

    As Mike Volpi from Index Ventures noted at the Index Open Source Summit (2021): “It took Mongo DB 10 years to derive the business model they run now and monetize successfully…” Wow, 10 years to somewhat successful monetization – and that is one of the major open source success stories.

    Open sourcing your main technology as a strategy

    In this article, we take a deeper look at open source as a pro-active business strategy.

    open-source-traction-growth-business Open Source to Build Traction

    Traction is the most obvious reason to open source your product. It works like Freemium in the Mobile Games market – or more generally the Mobile Apps market. It’s a great way to evaluate product-market-fit and build traction. When you have that, you can think about monetization.

    However, there is a big difference between giving something away for free and open sourcing it. If we stay in the mobile app world: Would open sourcing the app help with traction? Would it jeopardize the business model? Unless the main target users are developers, at least in the beginning likely not – less than making the app / game available for free in any case. However, once the app grows at amazing pace, open source availability could become a challenge in several respects.  

    The most obvious would be fast followers entering with that same game and potentially much bigger marketing budgets and better customer access (e.g. on the apps store). Think what would have happened if WhatsApp would have open sourced all its code from day 1 on top of giving the app away for free? It is a legit hyothesis that a fast follower could have scraped some of the market, changing the whole story. On the other hand, if they would open source all their code base now, how much would it harm them? At some point, it beame all about the traction, brand, customer access, so, I would think, it wouldn’t harm them at all at this point. So, driving traction with open source is probably only a viable idea if you address developers or engineers. It’s clearly a phenomenon of the developer-led landscape, and acts as a developer distribution channel. This being said, the price of open source traction is commercialization. It’s a straight forward trade-off: The more open and free your license is, the harder it is to monetize later on. 

    building-trust-open-source Open Source to Build Trust

    Trust is something that is likely more important for certain software types (e.g. B2B and core tech).

    ObjectBox is a database and with that it is a data-centric “core technology” / software infrastructure, sitting at the heart of a company’s solution. Anything that gets used at the heart of other companies or their solutions needs a lot of trust. Trust is easier to come by with size, “no one was ever fired for choosing SAP.” Being a small startup lies at the opposite on that spectrum for many decision makers. Open Source can be a way to overcome this specific challenge and build trust in three ways:

    1. Transparency: The freedom to verify what the code enables; the internal developer team can check the code and vouch for the solution 
    2. Risk-reduction: The freedom to change and maintain the code oneself gives independence from the authors and the success of the solution
    3. Quality: If an open source solution is actively used by a large number of developers quality inevitably goes up 

    So, if you are looking for adoption from big players in heavily regulated or security-concerned industries, e.g. medical, manufacturing, automotive, anything with mission-critical networks, open source can help you overcome many of the adoption hurdles you are facing.

    open-source-ip Open Source as an IP Strategy

    Seems counter-intuitive, right? Well, if you are not aiming to patent your technology, you still might not want someone else (who has been working on the same problem) to patent the same technology harming your freedom to operate. You can protect yourself from that risk by open sourcing it. This can come in the form of a copyleft license, designed to encourage further innovation advancements to the benefit of all, but also limiting the commercial exploitation opportunities for everyone. Or, you can choose a more permissive license, allowing people with commercial interests to keep any advancements they make to themselves. 

    Note: Open source code is not a blueprint with exact instructions; there are no obligations to provide clear docs or explanations. While a majority of open source projects strive to deliver a code base that is readable by others, it is not controlled. So, while open sourcing a technology harms patenting it, unfortunately, a way to still protect it, is making it hard to understand. On the other hand, a patent must have an extensive explanation. This makes it easily repeatable by others in the future, after the end of the patent protection, or as a basis for further research (and ways to tweak it in a novel enough way). 

    Although it often feels like open source is on the other spectrum of patents, a patent has a limited timeframe and people can learn from it even before it expires. The deal is basically an exchange of knowledge (to be used in the future) for protection (for commercially exploiting it). Keeping it a trade secret has other risks, but could mean that an invention wouldn’t be shared with others for a truly long time. And of course the protection encourages big companies to invest big budgets in R&D too. Delayed open source actually has many similarities with a patent, in both cases the tech is only made available for advancements and unrestricted use after a certain time frame has ended. 

    Open Source for the sake of it

    There are a lot of ideas floating around open source, and some pressure from the developer community to open source everything. Among developers, open sourcing is considered to be good, social, fair, transparent, and worthy. While there are many advantages in open source, it has turned into a kind of “political tool”, and that’s a downside – and probably the opposite of the original idea. 

    Consideration 1: How is a great software supposed to be maintained and advanced without anyone providing funds? When MMOGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Games) became a thing, people understood that there was a constant cost associated with it and were willing to switch from a one-off fee to monthly payments. Software typically needs to be maintained too. So, there are ongoing development costs associated with a piece of software, even if it is not hosted. So, who benefits from open source in the end, if the original creators cannot keep up their work (assuming they need to eat and sleep)? Before pushing everyone to open source, maybe read here, here, here, or here about open source maintainers struggling under the pressure and dealing with burnout.  On the flip side, if a company markets itself heavily as an “open source company”, they should give considerable parts of their own value creating solution back to the community. Using open source tools and building on top of open source code (and even committing back to these solutions) does not mean you are an open source company: If you want to reap the marketing benefits of calling yourself an “open source company” then you should truly be one and commit your value back to open source.

    Consideration 2: Who benefits if another company pulls the repo, adds “sparkles”, maybe even some “missing features”, or merely a big “brand name”, or the “marketing budget” and makes a ton of money selling the solution? This is of course assuming a permissive license was used. Well, from an open source perspective that is perfectly fine, and part of the intention of open source. So, it’s great, right? We think, it is easy to understand that some authors who have put all their “free time” / unpaid time into that code struggle to accept when this happens, especially if they have a hard time supporting themselves. But we also understand that big companies with investors (stakeholders…) that have invested heavily in R&D and might or might not yet have reached profitability, don’t really like to see this happen. Unless you are really in it for the fun and driven by altruism and will be in perfect harmony with other people using your code to make money, you should look closely if and how you want to open source your code.

    Open Source to save development costs

    There is the idea floating around that you can develop your project for free using the open source community. We doubt it works out for many. Of course, if Google maintains a repo that is a base technology used by many developers, developers might want to commit something (anything really) for fame, to be part of it, maybe to get noticed. However, the “anything really” is already a problem: Someone needs to review the submission, respond, potentially rework it and so on… Most other repos will probably not get too many commit requests (let alone from the best tech talent around). Even then, onboarding a large community of unknown developers and letting them commit to your code has its challenges – especially if you are quality-conscious and / or trying to build a business. It creates a lot of work to review commits and reject / merge them. And on top of that from a legal perspective you need to have a waterproof contributors license signed by anyone committing. There clearly is some work involved in the process, maybe more than what it is worth sometimes. 

    Also consider this: Most successful open source projects that turned into a business success have limited contributors and / or only internal (contracted) contributors. For example, SQLite 99% of the code was done by Richard Hipp (author and founder of SQLite), and MongoDB stated that about 98-99% of the code was done internally. Redis was almost exclusively coded by Salvatore Sanfilippo. In a presentation from Index Ventures (one of the most renowned open source VCs), one criteria for potentially successful open source businesses was that at least 90% of the code base was developed internally – and of course that the team owned all the IP. If you are after cheap development and external help with your project, maybe take a closer look if open source is the right path.

    What open source business models exist? 

    The following open source business models are common, but typically used in combination and not as pure models, e.g. most open source companies offer paid support, but rarely only paid support. Note: With time the examples may become wrong/outdated, because once you look into it, you will notice that companies adapt / change their model regularly. If you need to understand one specific company’s model you need to dig into it individually at that time.

    There are three basic open source licenses to be distinguished: permissive, weak copyleft and copyleft.

    A quick high-level note on the major license effects

    Copyleft – major point is that derived works must be open sourced with a compatible copyleft license, meaning any advancements and changes to the work will be contributed back to the community and freely available for unrestricted use.

    Weak Copyleft – the weaker copyleft refers to licenses where not all derived works inherit the just described copyleft effect; typically used in software libraries, e.g. a database library used in app development, so the library can be used in a mobile app without needing to contribute the whole app to open source; only changes to the database library itself would carry the copyleft effect.

    Permissive – a permissive open source license allows you to do anything with the source code including keeping derived works to yourself and commercialising on it

    Description Examples Note
    Paid Support Providing paid support, trainings, certificates RedHat Where has this approach been working – as a pure paid support approach – ever since Red Hat?
    Open Core The core product is free and open source, extra features are paid; have an open-source core and sell closed-source features on top of it SugarCRM,
    It is basically the widely successful freemium model just with open source; typically you expect the large majority of users to use it for free. The open source part of course enables anyone to build the same features as you
    Dual Licencing The free open source sw uses a copyleft license, whereas the paid license is a commercial license without copyleft effects MySQL,
    This kind of license enables you to monetize your commercial (typically bigger users) and still enables the community to expand the product landscape and innovate based on the code base
    Delayed Open Source All code will be fully open sourced with a time delay (details and timings vary) MariaDB,
    Cockroach DB
    The effect depends also on the licenses used, but typically it protects you from competition for a given time frame, so only you can exploit your development commercially and gain market share / develop an advantage based on market entry time. At the same time it reduces the risk for adopters, because they know the code will become available to them
    Open SaaS Offering the software open source and hosted as a service (SaaS), which is the primary source of revenue allowing anyone to do the same with the software with a permissive license (self-host or host for others) WordPress,
    This model has been the major point of discussion in the last 3 years and is seen by many as the holy grail for monetizing open source software; it also triggered many companies to move away from an open source licensing model as large cloud providers can easily host an open source product at better rates
    “Closed SaaS” Strictly speaking / officially not “open source”. Offering the solution open source and hosting it as a service (SaaS) while NOT allowing anyone to host it, often times unless they contribute the whole solution back to open source (copyleft effect)) MongoDB,
    Cockroach DB
    The first license that built this specific copyleft-effect into its license was MongoDB (SPSL). The license has since been adopted by e.g. elastic, …. Since then similar licenses have been developed. OSI did not approve the license as an official open source license.
    “Ad model” For lack of a better name, I called it “Ad model”; it’s really having so much reach and traction that companies pay for customer access through your solution or similar co-operations AdBlock Plus,
    Can take many variations: For instance, the open-source application AdBlock Plus gets paid by Google for letting whitelisted acceptable Ads bypass the browser ad remover.
    Or, in 2014 Yahoo struck a deal with the Mozilla Corporation to make Yahoo the default search engine in Firefox


    A look at the open source market

    Name Founding Year Funding Summary Started with Open Source (license) Open Source Evolvement Devtool Open to contributions / CLA HQ* Notes / Story synopsis
    MongoDB 2007

    6 funding rounds with a total of $311M

    IPO was in autumn 2017; valuation $1.6B

    started with AGPL Created SSPL in 2018 causing much debate in the community. SSPL is not an open source license Database “we own 100% of the IP”; 99.9% developed in house and the few contributions accepted were from people who signed a CLA US-based According to statements fromMongoDB, adoption went up after the license change (15 mill dwlds, more than in the prior 10 years together). In 2016 they launched their database-as-a-service offering, which is considered the game changer w. regards to building a business. Until Oct 2017 MongoDb downloads were >30M with 10M from the prior 21 months.
    Data Bricks 2013 Total funding 1.9B; last round: Series G; Feb 2021 $1B proprietary PaaS their main service is proprietary, but they use a lot of open source software and have a strong footprint in the open source community Backend NA US-based “Databricks is the original creator of some of the world’s most popular Open Source data technologies” – open source is a large part of their positioning and marketing. However, it seems their main offering, while based on open source, is proprietary. So, not an open source business as defined here.
    elastic predecessor released in 2004; first elasticsearch released in 2010; incorporation only in 2012 Total funding $162M; last round was a series D; elastic did IPO in autumn 2018 started with Apache 2 for for elastic search (which was the original main product) Last license change in 2021: You can now choose between the proprietary elastic license or SSPL; so stritly spaking not open source anymore Devtool CLA US-based 2018: elastic IPO –> shares doubled the first day. Note: With so many different products (not a single product company), the open source strategy is harder to grasp.
    Confluent 2011 Total Funding Amount $455.9M, last round: series E Unlike Apache Kafka which is available under the Apache 2.0 license, the Confluent Community License is not open source and has a few restrictions Kafka is open source,
    Confluent isn’t
    Devtool NA US-based “Founded by the team that originally created Apache Kafka” – the team behind Confluent contributed a lot to open source prior to Confluent, but the Confluent code itself isn’t open source as far as we understand. They heavily rely on other open source software for their tech stack though.
    RealmDB 2011, before the founders did “TightDB” on which the Realm DB was based 4 investment rounds. Then MongoDB acquired them for $39M on Apr 24, 2019 started out closed; then open sourced the database and went for the open core model, then subsequently open sourced the Sync solution too, going for the hosted (SaaS) model from closed to open core to open SaaS; acquired by Mongo to push their backend offerings and complement with an edge and sync (serving Mobile and IoT better) Database looks like they accepted contributions Started in Europe, but HQ went to the US when joining YC 2014; it was since bought bei MongoDB The founders both left the company the year before it was acquired by MongoDB. The acquisition prize was a little less than what Realm had raised in the years before. The Sync solution is now tied to using the Mongo servers / cloud and a huge part of their push for the IoT market.
    SQLite 2000 Bootstrapped Public Domain, which we always considered one of the most “open source” ways to open source but in the light of recent discussions around the SSPL license, strictly speaking it is at least not OSI-approved Public Domain, mainly monetize big corporates for being in a Consortium; also offers services and since xxxx? encryption (basically paid feature); our guess is that this is not really a repeatable business model Database Richard Hipp owns all IP, 99% is developed by himself; very limited outside support (2 part-time freelancers that we are aware of, both don’t have any rights to the IP) US-based (privately held by Hipp, Wyrick & Company, Inc (author: Richard Hipp and all stock held by his wife G. Wyrick; both work for the company)), HQ The company has always been and still is run by Richard Hipp and his wife; from a development perspective it is a one-man-show. Richard wrote SQLite himself, as far as we are aware they have no other employees apart from 2-3 part-time supporters for specific versions; very special Open Source Story.
    Couchbase Lite 2009 – Couchbase, Inc. is a merger of Membase + CouchOne in 02.2011; both former companies were started 2009 and had funding 251 million USD total funding; 8 rounds with latest Series G for $105 million Apache 2 Delayed Open Source Database US-based (both entities were US-based already before the merger) Couchbase now mainly sells Couchbase Servers; Couchbase Lite is the smallest part of their business; in 2020 there seemed to be a shift towards the Sync Gateway and Edge Computing market in communication; however, the main business still seems be on the server side and based on cloud lock-in.
    redis 2009 Total Funding Amount $246.6M redis the database itself is and always was BSD; redislabs is the company that has secured certain rights for redis and sells extensions and add-ons under several licenses, they changed from APGL to Apache 2.0 with Common Clause to a proprietary license called “Redis Source Available License” redis itself is BSD but features / extensions around it from RedisLabs are licensed uner prorietary licenses Database Any contribution needs a CLA that is provided by redislabs; we believe anything committed under this CLA could also be used in redislabs proprietary products (which typically is the same for anything committed under a permissive license, but which has attracted some criticism from the OSS community) Redislabs is US-based. Salvatore Sanfillipo (antirez) was always bsaed in Europe; redislabs originated in Israel RedisLabs is the commercial entity that markets redis; redis was largely developed by Salvatore Sanfilippo. He left redis as a maintainer in 2020.
    RedHat 1993 bought by IBM in 2019 for $34 billion; before that they had raised $240.7M Linux, which was the core of the success of RedHat, is GPL (though of course not the company’s decision) RedHat is a huge company, definetely not a single product company, and thus also does not really fit into this matrix, however, it is THE example for successful commercialisation of open source and we feel the matrix would lack without it Backend / Data centric we believe you can contribute to most (all?) projects without a CLA US-based Read here why there will never be another Red Hat (and there is no “Red Hat Model”). Note that of course the Red Hat founders did not write Linux (on which the majority of their success is based), but at the very least they (as well as VA Linux) gave option shares to Linus Torvald out of gratitude (at lest not out of obligation). When both companies successfully IPOd, Linus made 20 Mill USD (in total) from both sales.
    MySQL 1995 (development started already in 1994) Total Funding Amount $39.8M, sold to Sun in 2008 for 1 USD billion started out with AGPL; several license adaptions and changes in the open source business model over the years, e.g. for a long time they had a 2 year delay for the open source version, but changed that to no delay at some point. Dual Licensing and Paid Support Database Yes, even though called OCA (Oracle Contributor Agreement) Sweedish company until it was acquired by Sun Microsystems in 2008 (who then were acquired by Oracle) The founders forked the latest MySQL version when Oracle acquired it. Most of the original database code base was developed by Michael Widenius; with regards to database technologies a pattern emerges: Often the core / most of the base technology is developed by one person – as building a database is a rather huge endeavor that’s kind of striking, isn’t it? BTW: MySQL is named after Monty Widenius daughter (“My”)
    Hyper 2010 (academic research project at TUM) undisclosed proprietary, not open source None Database NA EU-based; German “university spinoff” acquired by Tableau very early 2016: HyPer acquired by Tableau. Terms of the deal were undisclosed
    ParStream 2011 acquired by CISCO in November 3, 2015 proprietary, not open source NA Database NA Originally EU-based (German), then moved to US in 2012, acquired by Cisco in 2015 Cisco ParStream is no longer offered as a stand-alone product. The functionality of Cisco ParStream is now part of Cisco Kinetic.
    Cockroach DB 2015 Series E in Jan 2021 for $160M Apache 2.0, plus a proprietary license for enterprise features Started as open core, now a form of closed SaaS with delayed open source: They changed to a proprietary license in 2019, called BSL, which prohibits users from offering CockroachDB as a service (DBaaS, SaaS), and each release converts to an open source license after three years. CockroachDB is therefore officially not considered open sorce anymore Database CockroachDB received significant contributions from the community (“we have had over 1590 commits from over 320 external contributors across all our open source repositories” (2020)), CLA: Yes US-based In June 2019, Cockroach Labs announced that CockroachDB would change its license from the free software license Apache License 2.0 to their own proprietary license, known as the Business Source License (BSL), which forbids “offer[ing] a commercial version of CockroachDB as a service without buying a license”, while remaining free for community use.
    Berkeley DB 1994 Acquired by Oracle in 2006 BSD and Sleepycat Public License (a permissive OSS license) Oracle changed to dual licensing with APGL and a commercial license Database NA US-based It is still used in many routers and gutfeel is that the market share in that specific area is good. Unfortunately, no numbers available.
    GitHub 2008 In 2018 Microsoft bought GITHUB for $7.5 billion. proprietary, not open source NA Backend / Data centric NA US-based Microsoft bought GitHub for the developer access; that would not have changed if it would have been open source and I do wonder what would have happened to GitHub if it would have been open source; one thing is for sure: GitLab wouldn’t have been able to position themselves as the open source alternative; however: the closed source model worked for them well, even though it is a developer tool.
    GitLab development started in 2011; incorporated only in 2014 $434.2M Series E completely open source (MIT license) Now: Open Core Model; Community Edition: MIT License
    Enterprise Edition: Source-available proprietary software
    Backend / Data centric Originally CLA, now dropped and instead the code must be committed under the same license as the feature is (mainly Apache 2.0) plus a DCO US-based (development was started in Europe, the founders incorporated in the US in 2014 when joining YC) GitLab used being open source as a strong positioning factor against GitHub (which was never open source). It was an odyssey to find a sustainable business model (and it seems it is not SaaS). Note: The pure service model and the donation model did not work for them. Again: The code base of the core system was by and large developed by one person.
    MariaDB 2009 Total Funding Amount $123.2M Dual licenscing with GPL license, version 2 and a prorietary source available license for some parts They evolved their dual licensing approach to using the proprietary source avaiable license (BSL) Database Yes, and the CLA is shared under a creative commons license that allows you to use it as you like https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mca/ Sweedish company 10 years after it was forked, MariaDB has 20M users, a fast growing database business and has >€100m backing. Note: The pure service model as well as the donation model did not work for them.

    Building an Open Source business Exec Summary – TL; DR

    • There is a lot of evidence that open source companies struggle with open source models and licenses – this is also true for successful companies
    • There is no “Red Hat Model” – just selling services has rarely worked
    • The donation model typically hasn’t worked for open source companies, e.g. GitLab and MariaDB, so it is not astonishing that GitHub sponsorships don’t work out great for most maintainers. Also note: GitHub sponsorships may put you in a bad legal position depending on where you are based
    • There is a trend from successful open source companies towards Source Available licenses instead of “official Open Source licenses”, e.g. MongoDB, elastic, CockroachDB, …
    • There is an indication that successful open source companies are US-based (even if founded / started in Europe), which we believe is due to the funding opportunities provided in the US: 1) the US provides generally more funding (more and bigger funding opportunities; there is lots of market research on that), 2) US VCs and Silicon Valley have the reputation to also fund at earlier stages, e.g. idea stage, and companies with traction (instead of revenue), investing in a longterm perspective. Traditionally, European investors don’t.
    • Public domain is strictly speaking also not considered to be an open source license 😮 (at least not if it needs OSI-approval; does it? 🤔) 
    • While Open and Closed SaaS seem at this moment to have been the most successful models, it is no holy grail and definetely does not work for everyone, e.g. it didn’t work as the sole business model for GitLab


    The open source market lacks flexibility and transparency from a licencing / legal perspective, and ever more Source Available licenses don’t help: A “license stack” with building blocks like the Creative Commons would be helpful to mark software easily and clearly with regards to the main terms, e.g. “source available”, “free for commercial use”, “attribution necessary” etc. It would help maintainers and users alike, but needs bigger entities to drive this (like an OSI).

    The open source market also needs more balance, at the very least more understanding and “love” towards maintainers. More finanical support as well as other ways of giving back to demonstrate the appreciation of well-maintained repos and great free software, will keep the ecosystem healthy and thriving. That’s a community effort; everyone can contribute.