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Starting to think about your strategy at the edge? Do you want to build apps that always work? It’s a pleasure for us to provide you with aditional information and user guides or if you wish to arrange a call to discuss about your needs and present the ObjectBox solutions.

Community Support

For technical questions about ObjectBox, please take a look at our FAQ and Get Started pages first. We also encourage you to use StackOverflow and tag your question with the objectbox tag. Opening an issue on GitHub should be reserved for bug reports and feature requests.

Professional Support

Do you need customized support for your project? We offer a variety of professional support services for paying users that have subscribed to ObjectBox Data Sync. Just reach out to us.

Conferences and Onsite Workshops

We regularly speak at conferences, meetups, and barcamps [see a list of past/upcoming events ObjectBox is speaking at]. We regularly give technical and business oriented talks on the topics of IoT, Edge Computing, Data Persistence, Open Source, Mobile App Development, and Startups. We also moderate in-house workshops for small and large companies.

Keep in Touch!

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We 🤍 Open Source | From the team behind the open source libraries: EventBus, greenDAO and Essentials. Apps that are using our technology:

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“very easy to integrate…gave us the data access speed we needed.”


“performance improvement far beyond other databases”

Vas @MathTrainer

“Thanks for such a powerful database solution, I can’t imagine my life without ObjectBox now”


“Keep up the amazong work!”

Cris @Crispert

“Terrific job, ObjectBox is marvelous solution, it almost makes data persistance invisible. I was really astonished to see how the code shrunk, in front of my eyes when I replaced realm. I’m still amazed how simple all of it is.”