As of today, you’ll be able to start using ObjectBox from the comfort of Python.
Whether you’re building an IoT solution, a desktop utility or a webservice, you’ll find the ObjectBox database handy to help you with data persistence on the edge. Among other features, ObjectBox provides implicit ACID transactions so there’s one less thing you have to worry about.
Let’s take a look at an example to see how ObjectBox lets you work with your data using Python:
1 2 3 4 5 | id = box.put(Person(first_name="Joe", last_name="Green")) # Create person = box.get(id) # Read person.last_name = "Black" box.put(person) # Update box.remove(person) # Delete |
Aside from x64 CPUs, ObjectBox supports ARMv6 and ARMv7, allowing you to benefit from a super-fast and scalable database on IoT devices, for example, the Raspberry Pi family (from the minimalistic Pi Zero to the high-spec Pi 3B+). You can also target desktop and server apps running on Linux, MacOS, or Windows using Python.
ObjectBox Python: How to get started
While this is still an early release in Python, it’s based on the proven ObjectBox core so you can already start building your applications today. Just install using
1 | pip install objectbox |
and head over to our GitHub repo at to see some examples.
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