Update: newer versions were released; check the changelog for details. 

The 2.4.0 update of ObjectBox for Java (and Kotlin) is here. We encourage everyone to update to this release, as it includes quite a few quality of life improvements and resolves many of the issues that you have reported, so thank you for that!

This is also the first release where the ObjectBox LiveData and Paging integration has migrated from Android Support Libraries, to Jetpack (AndroidX) Libraries. If you are using those features, check the upgrade notes for possible changes that you need to make to your app.

Also note that this version makes some changes to the generated MyObjectBox and JSON model file. Make sure to commit changes to the model file after building your app. Also, if you are using a library that ships with a pre-generated MyObjectBox file, that library needs to be updated to 2.4.0 as well.

Besides those improvements, we were also fine-tuning performance a bit. While fixing a performance regression for 32 bit CPUs related to ordered queries, we were able to do additional optimizations. Now ordered queries using a limit run up to three times faster than before.

For a list of all the changes, please check the changelog.

Last not least, let us share some related ObjectBox’ developments in the mobile space. Today, we also released version 0.3 for ObjectBox Dart. So, if you are interested in creating Flutter apps, you will be able to use ObjectBox soon. Last month, we released ObjectBox Swift 1.0. Therefore, you can build native apps with ObjectBox for the two prominent mobile platforms, Android and iOS. Additionally, we’re also making great progress with data synchronization; sign up for sync updates to be notified sync related news and to be part of the upcoming early releases.