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AbstractSyncListener - Class in io.objectbox.sync.listener
A SyncListener with empty implementations of all interface methods.
AbstractSyncListener() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.sync.listener.AbstractSyncListener
accept(T) - Method in interface io.objectbox.query.QueryConsumer
add(int, E) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
add(int, TARGET) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
See ToMany.add(Object) for general comments.
add(E) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
add(E) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList.LazyIterator
add(DataSubscription) - Method in class io.objectbox.reactive.DataSubscriptionList
Add the given subscription to the list of tracked subscriptions.
add(TARGET) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
Adds the given entity to the list and tracks the addition so it can be later applied to the database (e.g.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends TARGET>) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
See ToMany.add(Object) for general comments.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
addAll(Collection<? extends TARGET>) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
See ToMany.add(Object) for general comments.
addBackupFile(FlatBufferBuilder, int) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addBackupRestoreFlags(FlatBufferBuilder, long) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addBytes(long, byte[], boolean) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.ObjectsMessageBuilder
addBytes(long, byte[], boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl.ObjectsMessageBuilderImpl
addDebugFlags(FlatBufferBuilder, long) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addDirectoryPath(FlatBufferBuilder, int) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addFileMode(FlatBufferBuilder, long) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addMaxDataSizeInKbyte(FlatBufferBuilder, long) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addMaxDbSizeInKbyte(FlatBufferBuilder, long) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addMaxReaders(FlatBufferBuilder, long) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addModelBytes(FlatBufferBuilder, int) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addNoReaderThreadLocals(FlatBufferBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addPutPaddingMode(FlatBufferBuilder, int) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addReadOnly(FlatBufferBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addSkipReadSchema(FlatBufferBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addString(long, String) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.ObjectsMessageBuilder
addString(long, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl.ObjectsMessageBuilderImpl
addUsePreviousCommit(FlatBufferBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addUsePreviousCommitOnValidationFailure(FlatBufferBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addValidateOnOpenKv(FlatBufferBuilder, int) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addValidateOnOpenPageLimit(FlatBufferBuilder, long) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
addValidateOnOpenPages(FlatBufferBuilder, int) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
alias(String) - Method in interface io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryCondition
Assigns an alias to this condition that can later be used with the Query setParameter methods.
alias(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl
AllBranches - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.ValidateOnOpenModePages
Performs a unlimited number of checks on the most important database structures (e.g.
AllowNonUniqueNodes - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.TreeOptionFlags
In some scenarios, e.g.
and() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
And AND changes how conditions are combined using a following OR.
and(QueryCondition<T>) - Method in interface io.objectbox.query.QueryCondition
Combines this condition using AND with the given condition.
androidContext(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Use on Android to pass a Context for loading the native library and, if not an BoxStoreBuilder.inMemory(String) database, for creating the base directory for database files in the files directory of the app.
androidReLinker(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Pass a custom ReLinkerInstance, for example ReLinker.log(logger) to use for loading the native library on Android devices.
apply(QueryBuilder<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl
apply(QueryCondition<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Applies the given query conditions and returns the builder for further customization, such as result order.
applyChangesToDb() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
Saves changes (added and removed entities) made to this relation to the database.
ArrayListFactory() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.relation.ListFactory.ArrayListFactory
asDouble() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
asInt() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
assignable() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.Id
Allows IDs of new entities to be assigned manually.
asString() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
asStringArray() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
attach(T) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
AUTH_UNREACHABLE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncLoginCodes
authenticatorCredentials(SyncCredentials) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerBuilder
Adds additional authenticator credentials to authenticate clients with.
AUTO - io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder.RequestUpdatesMode
Once logged in, requests sync updates automatically including subsequent pushes for data changes.
AUTO_NO_PUSHES - io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder.RequestUpdatesMode
Once logged in, requests updates automatically once without subsequent pushes for data changes.
AutoConsolidateNonUniqueNodes - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.TreeOptionFlags
Nodes described in AllowNonUniqueNodes will be automatically consolidated to make them unique.
avg() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Calculates the average of all values for the given number property over all Objects matching the query.
avgLong() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Calculates the average of all values for the given integer property over all Objects matching the query.
awaitFirstLogin(long) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Waits until the sync client receives a response to its first (connection and) login attempt or until the given time has expired.
awaitFirstLogin(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl


backlink(RelationInfo<TARGET, ?>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Creates a backlink (reversed link) to another entity, for which you also can describe conditions using the returned builder.
Backlink - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Defines a backlink relation, which is based on another relation reversing the direction.
backlinkToManyGetter - Variable in class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
For ToMany relations based on ToMany backlinks (null otherwise).
backlinkToOneGetter - Variable in class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
For ToMany relations based on ToOne backlinks (null otherwise).
backupFile() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
Restores the database content from the given backup file (note: backup is a server-only feature).
backupFileAsByteBuffer() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
backupFileInByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
backupRestoreFlags() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
Flags to change the default behavior for restoring backups, e.g.
BAD_VERSION - Static variable in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncLoginCodes
baseDirectory(File) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
In combination with BoxStoreBuilder.name(String), this lets you specify the location of where the DB files should be stored.
BaseEntity - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Marks a class as an ObjectBox Entity super class.
beginReadTx() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Internal, low level method: use BoxStore.runInReadTx(Runnable) instead.
beginTx() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Internal, low level method: use BoxStore.runInTx(Runnable) instead.
Beta - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation.apihint
APIs annotated with @Beta may change and may be even removed in a future release (but is somewhat less likely compared to Experimental).
between(double, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "BETWEEN ...
between(int, int) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "BETWEEN ...
between(long, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "BETWEEN ...
between(short, short) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "BETWEEN ...
between(Property<T>, double, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Finds objects with property value between and including the first and second value.
between(Property<T>, long, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Finds objects with property value between and including the first and second value.
between(Property<T>, Date, Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Finds objects with property value between and including the first and second value.
between(Date, Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "BETWEEN ...
BETWEEN - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleDoubleCondition.Operation
BETWEEN - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongLongCondition.Operation
Box<T> - Class in io.objectbox
A Box to put and get Objects of a specific Entity class.
boxFor(Class<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Returns a Box for the given type.
BoxStore - Class in io.objectbox
An ObjectBox database that provides Boxes to put and get objects of specific entity classes (see BoxStore.boxFor(Class)).
BoxStoreBuilder - Class in io.objectbox
Configures and builds a BoxStore with reasonable defaults.
BoxStoreBuilder(byte[]) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Called internally from the generated class "MyObjectBox".
branch(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Branch
Get the branch following the given path of child branches from this branch.
branch(String[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Branch
Get the branch following the given path of child branches from this branch.
Branch - Class in io.objectbox.tree
A branch within a Tree.
branchChild(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Branch
Get the child branch directly attached to this branch with the given name.
branchId - Variable in class io.objectbox.tree.LeafNode
BreakForEach - Exception in io.objectbox.query
You can throw this inside a QueryConsumer to signal Query.forEach(QueryConsumer) should "break".
BreakForEach() - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.query.BreakForEach
build() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Builds a BoxStore using the current configuration of this builder.
build() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Builds the query and closes this QueryBuilder.
build() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerBuilder
Builds and returns a Sync server ready to SyncServer.start().
build() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder
Builds and returns a Sync client ready to SyncClient.start().
buildAndStart() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerBuilder
Builds, starts and returns a Sync server.
buildAndStart() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder
Builds, starts and returns a Sync client.
buildDefault() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Builds the default BoxStore instance, which can be acquired using BoxStore.getDefault().
ByteArrayCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.ByteArrayCondition.Operation, byte[]) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.ByteArrayCondition


callInReadTx(Callable<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Calls the given callable inside a read(-only) transaction.
callInReadTx(Callable<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Similar to BoxStore.callInReadTx(Callable), but allows Tree functions.
callInReadTxWithRetry(Callable<T>, int, int, boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Calls BoxStore.callInReadTx(Callable) and retries in case a DbException is thrown.
callInTx(Callable<R>) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Like BoxStore.runInTx(Runnable), but allows returning a value and throwing an exception.
callInTx(Callable<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Similar to BoxStore.callInReadTx(Callable), but allows Tree functions.
callInTxAsync(Callable<R>, TxCallback<R>) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Runs the given Runnable as a transaction in a separate thread.
callInTxNoException(Callable<R>) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Like BoxStore.callInTx(Callable), but throws no Exception.
callInTxNoThrow(Callable<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Wraps any Exception thrown by the callable into a RuntimeException.
cancel() - Method in interface io.objectbox.reactive.DataSubscription
The Observer shall not receive anymore updates.
cancel() - Method in class io.objectbox.reactive.DataSubscriptionList
Cancels all tracked subscriptions and removes all references to them.
cancelCurrentException() - Static method in interface io.objectbox.exception.DbExceptionListener
WARNING/DISCLAIMER: Please avoid this method and handle exceptions "properly" instead.
cancelUpdates() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Asks the server to pause sync updates.
cancelUpdates() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
CASE_INSENSITIVE - io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder.StringOrder
Ignores case of ASCII characters when matching results, e.g.
CASE_SENSITIVE - io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder.StringOrder
Checks case of ASCII characters when matching results, e.g.
CASE_SENSITIVE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.query.OrderFlags
Makes upper case letters (e.g.
CASE_SENSITIVE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Makes upper case letters (e.g.
certificatePath(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerBuilder
changeListener(SyncChangeListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerBuilder
Sets a listener to observe fine granular changes happening during sync.
changeListener(SyncChangeListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder
Sets a listener to observe fine granular changes happening during sync.
checkCached() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
checkMapKeyType(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.FlexObjectConverter
Checks Java map key is of the expected type, otherwise throws.
checkMapKeyType(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.IntegerFlexMapConverter
checkMapKeyType(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.LongFlexMapConverter
cleanStaleReadTransactions() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
clear() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
clear() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
clear() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentialsToken
Clear after usage.
clearDefaultStore() - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Clears the convenience instance.
client(BoxStore, String, SyncCredentials) - Static method in class io.objectbox.sync.Sync
Start building a sync client.
CLIENT_ID_TAKEN - Static variable in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncLoginCodes
close() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Closes the BoxStore and frees associated resources.
close() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Closes this query and frees used resources.
close() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Close this query builder and free used resources.
close() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServer
Closes and cleans up all resources used by this sync server.
close() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerImpl
close() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Closes and cleans up all resources used by this sync client.
close() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
close() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Cleans up any (native) resources associated with this tree.
closeThreadResources() - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Like BoxStore.closeThreadResources(), but limited to only this Box.
closeThreadResources() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Call this method from a thread that is about to be shutdown or likely not to use ObjectBox anymore: it frees any cached resources tied to the calling thread (e.g.
commitWriter(Box<T>, Cursor<T>) - Static method in class io.objectbox.InternalAccess
completedListener(SyncCompletedListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder
Sets a listener to only observe Sync completed events.
ConflictStrategy - Enum in io.objectbox.annotation
Used with Unique to specify the conflict resolution strategy.
CONNECTED - io.objectbox.sync.SyncState
connectionListener(SyncConnectionListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder
Sets a listener to only observe Sync connection events.
ConnectivityMonitor - Class in io.objectbox.sync
Used by SyncClient to observe connectivity changes.
ConnectivityMonitor() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.sync.ConnectivityMonitor
ConstraintViolationException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
Base class for exceptions thrown when a constraint would be violated during a put operation.
ConstraintViolationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.ConstraintViolationException
contains(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Check if an object with the given ID exists in the database.
contains(Property<T>, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Creates an contains condition.
contains(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
contains(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
contains(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a contains condition for this property using StringOrder#CASE_SENSITIVE.
contains(String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
CONTAINS - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation
CONTAINS_ELEMENT - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation
CONTAINS_KEY_VALUE - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringStringCondition.Operation
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
containsElement(Property<T>, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
For a String array, list or String-key map property, matches if at least one element equals the given value.
containsElement(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
For a String array, list or String-key map property, matches if at least one element equals the given value using StringOrder#CASE_SENSITIVE.
containsElement(String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
containsKeyValue(Property<T>, String, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
For a String-key map property, matches if at least one key and value combination equals the given values.
containsKeyValue(String, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
For a String-key map property, matches if at least one key and value combination equals the given values using StringOrder#CASE_SENSITIVE.
containsKeyValue(String, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Convert - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Supplies a converter to store custom Property types as a supported Convert.dbType().
converter() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.Convert
The converter class that ObjectBox should use.
converterClass - Variable in class io.objectbox.Property
convertToDatabaseValue(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.FlexObjectConverter
convertToDatabaseValue(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.NullToEmptyStringConverter
convertToDatabaseValue(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.StringMapConverter
convertToDatabaseValue(P) - Method in interface io.objectbox.converter.PropertyConverter
convertToEntityProperty(byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.FlexObjectConverter
convertToEntityProperty(byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.StringMapConverter
convertToEntityProperty(D) - Method in interface io.objectbox.converter.PropertyConverter
convertToEntityProperty(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.NullToEmptyStringConverter
copy() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Creates a copy of this for use in another thread.
CopyOnWriteArrayListFactory() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.relation.ListFactory.CopyOnWriteArrayListFactory
COSINE - io.objectbox.annotation.VectorDistanceType
Cosine similarity compares two vectors irrespective of their magnitude (compares the angle of two vectors).
count() - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Returns the count of all stored objects in this box.
count() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
The count of non-null values.
count() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Returns the count of Objects matching the query.
count(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Returns the count of all stored objects in this box or the given maxCount, whichever is lower.
CREATED - io.objectbox.sync.SyncState
createDebugWithoutModel() - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Not for application use, for DebugCursor.
createFlatStoreOptions(FlatBufferBuilder, int, int, long, long, long, int, long, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, long, boolean, long, int, int, long) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
createList() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ListFactory.ArrayListFactory
createList() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ListFactory.CopyOnWriteArrayListFactory
createList() - Method in interface io.objectbox.relation.ListFactory
createModelBytesVector(FlatBufferBuilder, byte[]) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
createModelBytesVector(FlatBufferBuilder, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
CREDENTIALS_REJECTED - Static variable in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncLoginCodes
customType - Variable in class io.objectbox.Property
Type, which is converted to a type supported by the DB.


DatabaseType - Enum in io.objectbox.annotation
Use with @Type to override how a property value is stored and interpreted in the database.
DataObserver<T> - Interface in io.objectbox.reactive
Observer that can be subscribed to publishers (e.g.
DataPublisher<T> - Interface in io.objectbox.reactive
DataSubscription - Interface in io.objectbox.reactive
The result of subscribing an @DataObserver using @SubscriptionBuilder.observer(DataObserver).
dataSubscriptionList(DataSubscriptionList) - Method in class io.objectbox.reactive.SubscriptionBuilder
DataSubscriptionList - Class in io.objectbox.reactive
Tracks any number of DataSubscription objects, which can be canceled with a single DataSubscriptionList.cancel() call.
DataSubscriptionList() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.reactive.DataSubscriptionList
DataTransformer<FROM,​TO> - Interface in io.objectbox.reactive
Transforms or processes data before it is given to subscribed DataObservers.
DateNano - io.objectbox.annotation.DatabaseType
Use with 64-bit long properties to store them as high precision time representing nanoseconds since 1970-01-01 (unix epoch).
DbDetachedException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
DbDetachedException() - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbDetachedException
DbDetachedException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbDetachedException
DbException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
General exception for things that may go wrong with the database.
DbException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbException
DbException(String, int) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbException
DbException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbException
DbExceptionListener - Interface in io.objectbox.exception
Listener for exceptions occurring during database operations.
DbFullException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
Thrown when applying a transaction (e.g.
DbFullException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbFullException
DbFullException(String, int) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbFullException
DbMaxDataSizeExceededException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
Thrown when applying a transaction would exceed the maxDataSizeInKByte configured for the store.
DbMaxDataSizeExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbMaxDataSizeExceededException
DbMaxReadersExceededException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
Thrown when the maximum of readers (read transactions) was exceeded.
DbMaxReadersExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbMaxReadersExceededException
DbMaxReadersExceededException(String, int) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbMaxReadersExceededException
dbName - Variable in class io.objectbox.Property
DbSchemaException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
Thrown when there is an error with the data schema (data model).
DbSchemaException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbSchemaException
DbShutdownException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
Thrown when an error occurred that requires the store to be closed.
DbShutdownException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbShutdownException
DbShutdownException(String, int) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.DbShutdownException
dbType() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.Convert
The Property type the Java field value is converted to/from.
DEAD - io.objectbox.sync.SyncState
debugFlags() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
For debugging purposes you may want enable specific logging.
debugFlags(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Debug flags typically enable additional logging, see DebugFlags for valid values.
DebugFlags - Class in io.objectbox.config
Debug flags typically enable additional "debug logging" that can be helpful to better understand what is going on internally.
DebugFlags - Class in io.objectbox
DebugFlags moved to config package: use DebugFlags instead.
debugLogs() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.HnswFlags
Enables debug logs.
debugLogsDetailed() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.HnswFlags
Enables "high volume" debug logs, e.g.
DebugLogsDisable - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.TreeOptionFlags
If true, debug logs are always disabled for this tree regardless of the store's debug flags.
DebugLogsEnable - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.TreeOptionFlags
If true, debug logs are always enabled for this tree regardless of the store's debug flags.
debugRelations() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Enables some debug logging for relations.
debugTransactions() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
DEFAULT - io.objectbox.annotation.IndexType
Use the default index type depending on the property type: IndexType.VALUE for scalars and IndexType.HASH for Strings.
DEFAULT - io.objectbox.annotation.VectorDistanceType
The default; currently VectorDistanceType.EUCLIDEAN.
DEFAULT_MAX_DB_SIZE_KBYTE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
The default maximum size the DB can grow to, which can be overwritten using BoxStoreBuilder.maxSizeInKByte.
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
The default DB name, which can be overwritten using BoxStoreBuilder.name(String).
DefaultValue - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Defines the Java code of the default value to use for a property, when getting an existing entity and the database value for the property is null.
DelegatingObserver<T> - Interface in io.objectbox.reactive
deleteAllFiles() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Danger zone! This will delete all data (files) of this BoxStore! You must call BoxStore.close() before and read the docs of that method carefully!
deleteAllFiles(File) - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Danger zone! This will delete all files in the given directory!
deleteAllFiles(File, String) - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Danger zone! This will delete all files in the given directory!
deleteAllFiles(Object, String) - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Danger zone! This will delete all files in the given directory!
DESCENDING - Static variable in class io.objectbox.query.OrderFlags
Reverts the order from ascending (default) to descending.
DESCENDING - Static variable in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Reverts the order from ascending (default) to descending.
describe() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
For logging and testing, returns a string describing this query like "Query for entity Example with 4 conditions with properties prop1, prop2".
describeParameters() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
For logging and testing, returns a string describing the conditions of this query like "(prop1 == A AND prop2 is null)".
DetectNonUniqueNodes - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.TreeOptionFlags
Nodes described in AllowNonUniqueNodes will be automatically detected to consolidate them (manually).
diagnose() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Gives info that can be useful for debugging.
dimensions() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.HnswIndex
Dimensions of vectors; vector data with fewer dimensions are ignored.
directory(File) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
The directory where all database files should be placed in.
directoryPath() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
Location of the database on disk; this will be a directory containing files.
directoryPathAsByteBuffer() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
directoryPathInByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
DISCONNECTED - io.objectbox.sync.SyncState
distanceType() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.HnswIndex
The distance type used for the HNSW index.
distinct() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Only distinct values should be returned (e.g.
distinct(QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
For string properties you can specify QueryBuilder.StringOrder.CASE_SENSITIVE if you want to have case sensitive distinct values (e.g.
DOT_PRODUCT - io.objectbox.annotation.VectorDistanceType
For normalized vectors (vector length == 1.0), the dot product is equivalent to the cosine similarity.
DOT_PRODUCT_NON_NORMALIZED - io.objectbox.annotation.VectorDistanceType
A custom dot product similarity measure that does not require the vectors to be normalized.
DoubleCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleCondition.Operation, double) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleCondition
DoubleDoubleCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleDoubleCondition.Operation, double, double) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleDoubleCondition


eager(int, RelationInfo, RelationInfo...) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Like QueryBuilder.eager(RelationInfo, RelationInfo[]), but limits eager loading to the given count.
eager(RelationInfo, RelationInfo...) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Specifies relations that should be resolved eagerly.
enableCreationStackTracking() - Static method in class io.objectbox.InternalAccess
Makes creation more expensive, but lets Finalizers show the creation stack for dangling resources.
endFlatStoreOptions(FlatBufferBuilder) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
ENDS_WITH - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation
endsWith(Property<T>, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
endsWith(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an ends with condition using StringOrder#CASE_SENSITIVE.
endsWith(String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
EnforceUniquePath - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.TreeOptionFlags
By default, a path such as "a/b/c" can address a branch and a leaf at the same time.
entity - Variable in class io.objectbox.Property
entity(EntityInfo<?>) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Entity - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Marks a class as an ObjectBox Entity.
EntityInfo<T> - Interface in io.objectbox
eq(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
equal(boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "equal ('=')" condition for this property.
equal(byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "equal ('=')" condition for this property.
equal(double, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Calls Property.between(double, double) with value - tolerance as lower bound and value + tolerance as upper bound.
equal(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "equal ('=')" condition for this property.
equal(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "equal ('=')" condition for this property.
equal(short) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "equal ('=')" condition for this property.
equal(Property<T>, boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
equal(Property<T>, byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
equal(Property<T>, double, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Floating point equality is non-trivial; this is just a convenience for QueryBuilder.between(Property, double, double) with parameters(property, value - tolerance, value + tolerance).
equal(Property<T>, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
equal(Property<T>, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Creates an "equal ('=')" condition for this property.
equal(Property<T>, Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
equal(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "equal ('=')" condition for this property using StringOrder#CASE_SENSITIVE.
equal(String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "equal ('=')" condition for this property.
equal(Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "equal ('=')" condition for this property.
EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.ByteArrayCondition.Operation
EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition.Operation
EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation
equals(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
ErrorObserver - Interface in io.objectbox.reactive
Exceptions thrown in DataObserver and @DataTransformer can be observed by an error observer set via SubscriptionBuilder.onError(ErrorObserver).
EUCLIDEAN - io.objectbox.annotation.VectorDistanceType
Typically "Euclidean squared" internally.
Experimental - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation.apihint
APIs annotated with @Experimental are likely to change and may be even removed in a future release.


Factory<T> - Interface in io.objectbox
Generic Factory that provides a resource on demand (if and when it is required).
FAIL - io.objectbox.annotation.ConflictStrategy
Throws UniqueViolationException if any property violates a Unique constraint.
failedReadTxAttemptCallback(TxCallback<?>) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Define a callback for failed read transactions during retires (see also BoxStoreBuilder.queryAttempts(int)).
FeatureNotAvailableException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
Thrown when a special feature was used, which is not part of the native library.
FeatureNotAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.FeatureNotAvailableException
FileCorruptException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
Errors were detected in a database file, e.g.
FileCorruptException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.FileCorruptException
FileCorruptException(String, int) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.FileCorruptException
fileMode() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
File permissions given in Unix style octal bit flags (e.g.
fileMode(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Specify unix-style file permissions for database files.
filter(QueryFilter<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Sets a filter that executes on primary query results (returned from the db core) on a Java level.
finalize() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Closes this if this is finalized.
finalize() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Explicitly call Query.close() instead to avoid expensive finalization.
finalize() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Typically QueryBuilder.build() is called on this which calls QueryBuilder.close() and avoids expensive finalization here.
finalize() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerImpl
Users of this class should explicitly call SyncServerImpl.close() instead to avoid expensive finalization.
finalize() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
Users of this class should explicitly call SyncClientImpl.close() instead to avoid expensive finalization.
find() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Finds objects matching the query.
find(long, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Like Query.find(), but can skip and limit results.
findBoolean() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
findByte() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
findBytes() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Find the values for the given byte property for objects matching the query.
findChar() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
findChars() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Find the values for the given int property for objects matching the query.
findDouble() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
findDoubles() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Find the values for the given int property for objects matching the query.
findFirst() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Finds the first object matching this query.
findFirstId() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Like Query.findFirst(), but returns just the ID of the object.
findFloat() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
findFloats() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Find the values for the given int property for objects matching the query.
findIds() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Like Query.find(), but returns just the IDs of the objects.
findIds(long, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Like Query.findIds(), but can skip and limit results.
findIdsWithScores() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Finds IDs of objects matching the query associated to their query score (e.g.
findIdsWithScores(long, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Like Query.findIdsWithScores(), but can skip and limit results.
findInt() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
findInts() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Find the values for the given int property for objects matching the query.
findLazy() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Like Query.findIds(), but wraps the Object IDs in an unmodifiable LazyList so Objects can be retrieved on demand.
findLazyCached() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Like Query.findIds(), but wraps the Object IDs in an unmodifiable, caching LazyList so Objects can be retrieved on demand.
findLong() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
findLongs() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Find the values for the given long property for objects matching the query.
findPlatform() - Static method in class io.objectbox.sync.internal.Platform
findShort() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
findShorts() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Find the values for the given int property for objects matching the query.
findString() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
findStrings() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Find the values for the given string property for objects matching the query.
findUnique() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Finds the only object matching this query.
findUniqueId() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Like Query.findUnique(), but returns just the ID of the object.
findWithScores() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Finds objects matching the query associated to their query score (e.g.
findWithScores(long, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Like Query.findWithScores(), but can skip and limit results.
finishFlatStoreOptionsBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder, int) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
finishSizePrefixedFlatStoreOptionsBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder, int) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
flags() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.HnswIndex
FlatStoreOptions - Class in io.objectbox.config
Options to open a store with.
FlatStoreOptions() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
FlatStoreOptions.Vector - Class in io.objectbox.config
FlexObjectConverter - Class in io.objectbox.converter
Converts between Object properties and byte arrays using FlexBuffers.
FlexObjectConverter() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.converter.FlexObjectConverter
floatingValue - Variable in class io.objectbox.tree.LeafNode
forEach(QueryConsumer<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Emits query results one by one to the given consumer (synchronously).
fromId(int) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.sync.SyncState
Full - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.ValidateOnOpenModePages
Performs a unlimited number of checks on database structures including "data leaves".


get() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.ObjectWithScore
Returns the matching object.
get(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions.Vector
get(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
Gets and returns the Object at the specified position in this list from its Box.
get(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
get(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Get the stored object for the given ID.
get(long[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Get the stored objects for the given IDs.
get(FlatStoreOptions, int) - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions.Vector
get(Iterable<Long>) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Get the stored objects for the given IDs.
getActiveSubscriptionCount() - Method in class io.objectbox.reactive.DataSubscriptionList
Returns number of active (added) subscriptions (resets to 0 after DataSubscriptionList.cancel()).
getActiveTx(BoxStore) - Static method in class io.objectbox.InternalAccess
getActiveTxCursor(Box<T>) - Static method in class io.objectbox.InternalAccess
getActiveTxCursorHandle(Box<T>) - Static method in class io.objectbox.InternalAccess
getAddCount() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
getAll() - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Returns all stored Objects in this Box.
getAllEntityClasses() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
getAllProperties() - Method in interface io.objectbox.EntityInfo
getById(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
Gets an object by its entity ID.
getCachedTarget() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
getChangedIds() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncChange
IDs of objects that have been changed; e.g.
getConnectivityMonitor() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.internal.Platform
getContext() - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
getCursorFactory() - Method in interface io.objectbox.EntityInfo
getDbName() - Method in interface io.objectbox.EntityInfo
getDbSize() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Get the size of this store.
getDbSizeOnDisk() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
The size in bytes occupied by the database on disk (if any).
getDefault() - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Convenience singleton instance which gets set up using BoxStoreBuilder.buildDefault().
getDouble() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
getDouble(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Get data value for the given ID or null if no data leaf exists with that ID.
getEntityClass() - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
getEntityClass() - Method in interface io.objectbox.EntityInfo
getEntityId() - Method in interface io.objectbox.EntityInfo
getEntityId() - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
getEntityInfo() - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
getEntityName() - Method in interface io.objectbox.EntityInfo
getEntityTypeId() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncChange
The entity type ID; use methods like BoxStore.getEntityTypeIdOrThrow(java.lang.Class<?>) to map with classes.
getEntityTypeIdOrThrow(Class<?>) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
getErrorCode() - Method in exception io.objectbox.exception.DbException
0 == no error code available
getHandle(Transaction) - Static method in class io.objectbox.InternalAccess
getId() - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
getId() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.IdWithScore
Returns the object ID.
getId() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Branch
getId() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
getId(T) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
getIdGetter() - Method in interface io.objectbox.EntityInfo
getIdProperty() - Method in interface io.objectbox.EntityInfo
getInt() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
getInteger(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Get data value for the given ID or null if no data leaf exists with that ID.
getLastLoginCode() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Response code of last login attempt.
getLastLoginCode() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
getLeaf(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Get the leaf for the given ID or null if no leaf exists with that ID.
getListFactory() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
getLoadedCount() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
getMap(Iterable<Long>) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Get the stored objects for the given IDs as a Map with IDs as keys, and entities as values.
getMetaId() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
getNativeStore() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Gets the reference to the native store.
getObjectBrowserPort() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
getObserverDelegate() - Method in interface io.objectbox.reactive.DelegatingObserver
getParentBranchId() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
getPassword() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentialsUserPassword
getPathSeparatorRegex() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
The path separator regex is used to split a string path into individual path names.
getPort() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServer
Gets the port the server has bound to.
getPort() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerImpl
getReaderDebugInfo() - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
getRelationBacklinkEntities(RelationInfo<T, ?>, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Given a ToMany relation and the ID of a target entity gets all source entities pointing to this target entity, for example customerBox.getRelationEntities(Customer_.orders, order.getId()).
getRelationBacklinkIds(RelationInfo<T, ?>, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Like Box.getRelationBacklinkEntities(RelationInfo, long), but only returns the IDs of the source entities.
getRelationEntities(RelationInfo<?, T>, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Given a ToMany relation and the ID of a source entity gets the target entities of the relation from their box, for example orderBox.getRelationEntities(Customer_.orders, customer.getId()).
getRelationIds(RelationInfo<?, T>, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Like Box.getRelationEntities(RelationInfo, long), but only returns the IDs of the target entities.
getRelinker() - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
getRemoveCount() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
getRemovedIds() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncChange
IDs of objects that have been removed.
getRoot() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Gets the root of the data tree.
getRootAsFlatStoreOptions(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
getRootAsFlatStoreOptions(ByteBuffer, FlatStoreOptions) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
getRootId() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
The root ID, which the tree was constructed with.
getRoundtripTimeNanos() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Returns the estimated roundtrip time in nanoseconds to the server and back.
getRoundtripTimeNanos() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
getScore() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.IdWithScore
Returns the query score for the id.
getScore() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.ObjectWithScore
Returns the query score for the object.
getServerTimeDiffNanos() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Returns the estimated difference in nanoseconds between the server time and the local timestamp.
getServerTimeDiffNanos() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
getServerTimeNanos() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Estimates the current server timestamp in nanoseconds based on the last known server time.
getServerTimeNanos() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
getServerUrl() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Gets the sync server URL this client is connected to.
getServerUrl() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
getStatsString() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServer
Gets some statistics from the sync server.
getStatsString() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerImpl
getStore() - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
getStore() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
getString() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
getString(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Get data value for the given ID or null if no data leaf exists with that ID.
getStringArray() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
getSyncClient() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Returns the SyncClient associated with this store.
getSyncState() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
Gets the current state of this sync client.
getTarget() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
getTarget(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
If property backed, entities can pass the target ID to avoid reflection.
getTargetId() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
getTokenBytes() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentialsToken
getTree() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Branch
getType() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials
getTypeId() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials
getUrl() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServer
Gets the URL the server is running at.
getUrl() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerImpl
getUsername() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentialsUserPassword
getValueType() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
See PropertyType for possible types (not all are used here).
getVersion() - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Gets the Version of ObjectBox Java.
getVersionNative() - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Gets the Version of ObjectBox Core.
getWriter(Box<T>) - Static method in class io.objectbox.InternalAccess
google(String) - Static method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials
Authenticate with a Google account ID token obtained via Google Sign-In.
GOOGLE - io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials.CredentialsType
greater(byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater than ('>')" condition for this property.
greater(double) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater than ('>')" condition for this property.
greater(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater than ('>')" condition for this property.
greater(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater than ('>')" condition for this property.
greater(short) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater than ('>')" condition for this property.
greater(Property<T>, byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
greater(Property<T>, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
greater(Property<T>, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
greater(Property<T>, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
greater(Property<T>, Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
greater(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater than ('>')" condition for this property using StringOrder#CASE_SENSITIVE.
greater(String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater than ('>')" condition for this property.
greater(Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater than ('>')" condition for this property.
GREATER - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.ByteArrayCondition.Operation
GREATER - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleCondition.Operation
GREATER - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition.Operation
GREATER - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation
GREATER_OR_EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.ByteArrayCondition.Operation
GREATER_OR_EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleCondition.Operation
GREATER_OR_EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition.Operation
GREATER_OR_EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation
greaterOrEqual(byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater or equal ('>=')" condition for this property.
greaterOrEqual(double) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater or equal ('>=')" condition for this property.
greaterOrEqual(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater or equal ('>=')" condition for this property.
greaterOrEqual(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater or equal ('>=')" condition for this property.
greaterOrEqual(short) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater or equal ('>=')" condition for this property.
greaterOrEqual(Property<T>, byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
greaterOrEqual(Property<T>, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
greaterOrEqual(Property<T>, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
greaterOrEqual(Property<T>, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
greaterOrEqual(Property<T>, Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
greaterOrEqual(String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater or equal ('>=')" condition for this property.
greaterOrEqual(Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "greater or equal ('>=')" condition for this property.
gt(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property


hasA(QueryFilter<TARGET>) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
Returns true if at least one of the entities matches the given filter.
hasAll(QueryFilter<TARGET>) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
Returns true if all of the entities match the given filter.
hasFeature(Feature) - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
HASH - io.objectbox.annotation.IndexType
Use a (fast non-cryptographic) hash of the property value to build the index.
HASH64 - io.objectbox.annotation.IndexType
Use a long (fast non-cryptographic) hash of the property value to build the index.
hashCode() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
hasNext() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList.LazyIterator
hasPendingDbChanges() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
Returns true if there are pending changes for the DB.
hasPrevious() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList.LazyIterator
FIXME: before hasPrevious(), next() must be called.
HnswFlags - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Flags as a part of the HnswIndex configuration.
HnswIndex - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Parameters to configure HNSW-based approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search.


id - Variable in class io.objectbox.Property
id - Variable in enum io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials.CredentialsType
id - Variable in enum io.objectbox.sync.SyncState
id - Variable in class io.objectbox.tree.LeafNode
Id - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Marks the ID property of an @Entity.
IdCompanion - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Marks a property as a companion to an @Id property.
IdWithScore - Class in io.objectbox.query
Wraps the ID of a matching object and a score when using Query.findIdsWithScores(long, long).
IdWithScore(long, double) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.IdWithScore
in(Property<T>, int[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
in(Property<T>, long[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
in(Property<T>, String[], QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
in(Object...) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
in(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
IN - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.IntArrayCondition.Operation
IN - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongArrayCondition.Operation
IN - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringArrayCondition.Operation
IN_MEMORY_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Prefix supplied with database directory to signal a file-less and in-memory database should be used.
Index - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Specifies that the property should be indexed.
indexingSearchCount() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.HnswIndex
Aka "efConstruction": the number of neighbor searched for while indexing (default: 100).
indexOf(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
indexOfId(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
Gets the index of the object with the given entity ID.
IndexType - Enum in io.objectbox.annotation
ObjectBox offers a value and two hash index types, from which it chooses a reasonable default (see IndexType.DEFAULT).
initialDbFile(Factory<InputStream>) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Let's you specify a provider for a DB file to be used during initial start of the app (no DB file exists yet).
initialDbFile(File) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Let's you specify an DB file to be used during initial start of the app (no DB file exists yet).
initialValue() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryThreadLocal
inMemory(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Switches to an in-memory database using the given name as its identifier.
IntArrayCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.IntArrayCondition.Operation, int[]) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.IntArrayCondition
IntegerFlexMapConverter - Class in io.objectbox.converter
Used to automatically convert Map&lt;Integer, V&gt;.
IntegerFlexMapConverter() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.converter.IntegerFlexMapConverter
IntegerLongMapConverter - Class in io.objectbox.converter
Used to automatically convert Map&lt;Integer, Long&gt;.
IntegerLongMapConverter() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.converter.IntegerLongMapConverter
integerValue - Variable in class io.objectbox.tree.LeafNode
Internal - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation.apihint
APIs annotated with @Internal must NOT be used.
InternalAccess - Class in io.objectbox
InternalAccess() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.InternalAccess
internalApplyToDb(Cursor<?>, Cursor<TARGET>) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
For internal use only; do not use in your app.
internalCallWithReaderHandle(CallWithHandle<RESULT>) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
internalCallWithWriterHandle(CallWithHandle<RESULT>) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
internalCheckApplyToDbRequired() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
For internal use only; do not use in your app.
internalFailedReadTxAttemptCallback() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
internalGetBacklinkEntities(int, Property<?>, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
internalGetRelationEntities(int, int, long, boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
internalGetRelationIds(int, int, long, boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
internalPutTarget(Cursor<TARGET>) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
internalQueryAttempts() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
internalRequiresPutTarget() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
internalScheduleThread(Runnable) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
internalThreadPool() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
io.objectbox - package io.objectbox
ObjectBox is an an easy to use, object-oriented lightweight database and a full alternative to SQLite.
io.objectbox.annotation - package io.objectbox.annotation
Annotations to mark a class as an @Entity, to specify the @Id Property, to create an @Index or a @Transient Property.
io.objectbox.annotation.apihint - package io.objectbox.annotation.apihint
Annotations to mark APIs as for example @Internal or @Experimental.
io.objectbox.config - package io.objectbox.config
io.objectbox.converter - package io.objectbox.converter
For use with @Convert: PropertyConverter to convert custom Property types.
io.objectbox.exception - package io.objectbox.exception
Various exceptions thrown by ObjectBox.
io.objectbox.query - package io.objectbox.query
Classes related to building a Query or PropertyQuery.
io.objectbox.reactive - package io.objectbox.reactive
Classes to configure a DataSubscription for observing Box or Query changes.
io.objectbox.relation - package io.objectbox.relation
Classes to manage ToOne and ToMany relations between Entities.
io.objectbox.sync - package io.objectbox.sync
ObjectBox Sync allows to automatically synchronize local data with a sync destination (e.g.
io.objectbox.sync.internal - package io.objectbox.sync.internal
io.objectbox.sync.listener - package io.objectbox.sync.listener
io.objectbox.sync.server - package io.objectbox.sync.server
io.objectbox.tree - package io.objectbox.tree
APIs to interact with tree structures stored in ObjectBox.
IS_NULL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.NullCondition.Operation
isAvailable() - Static method in class io.objectbox.sync.Sync
Returns true if the included native (JNI) ObjectBox library supports Sync.
isBacklink() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
isCanceled() - Method in interface io.objectbox.reactive.DataSubscription
Current cancellation state of the subscription.
isCanceled() - Method in class io.objectbox.reactive.DataSubscriptionList
Returns true if DataSubscriptionList.cancel() was called without any subsequent calls to DataSubscriptionList.add(DataSubscription).
isClosed() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
If this was closed.
isDatabaseOpen(File) - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Using a directory, as configured with BoxStoreBuilder.directory(File), checks if the associated database files are in use by a BoxStore instance.
isDatabaseOpen(File, String) - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Using an optional base directory, as configured with BoxStoreBuilder.baseDirectory(File), and an optional database name, as configured with BoxStoreBuilder.name(String), checks if the associated database files are in use by a BoxStore instance.
isDatabaseOpen(Object, String) - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Using an Android Context and an optional database name, as configured with BoxStoreBuilder.name(String), checks if the associated database files are in use by a BoxStore instance.
isDebugRelations() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
isDouble() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
isEmpty() - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Returns true if no objects are in this box.
isEmpty() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
isEmpty() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
isId - Variable in class io.objectbox.Property
isInt() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
isLoadedCompletely() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
isLoggedIn() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Flag indicating if the sync client was started.
isLoggedIn() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
isNotNull() - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Use Property.notNull() instead.
isNull() - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "IS NULL" condition for this property.
isNull() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
isNull(Property<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
isObjectBrowserAvailable() - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
isObjectBrowserRunning() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
isReadOnly() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Whether the store was created using read-only mode.
isResolved() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
isResolved() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
isResolvedAndNotNull() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
isRunning() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServer
Returns if the server is up and running.
isRunning() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerImpl
isServerAvailable() - Static method in class io.objectbox.sync.Sync
Returns true if the included native (JNI) ObjectBox library supports Sync server.
isStarted() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Flag indicating if the sync client was started.
isStarted() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
isString() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
isStringArray() - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
isSyncAvailable() - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
isSyncServerAvailable() - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
isVirtual - Variable in class io.objectbox.Property
iterator() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
iterator() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany


JNI_VERSION - Static variable in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Change so ReLinker will update native library when using workaround loading.


keep(T) - Method in interface io.objectbox.query.QueryFilter


lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
LazyIterator(int) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.LazyList.LazyIterator
LazyList<E> - Class in io.objectbox.query
A thread-safe, unmodifiable List that gets Objects from their Box not until they are accessed.
LazyList.LazyIterator - Class in io.objectbox.query
leaf(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Branch
Get the leaf following the given path of children from this branch.
leaf(String[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Branch
Get the leaf following the given path of children from this branch.
Leaf - Class in io.objectbox.tree
A data leaf represents a data value in a Tree as a child of a Branch.
Leaf(LeafNode) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
leafChild(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Branch
Get the child leaf directly attached to this branch with the given name.
LeafNode - Class in io.objectbox.tree
(Potentially internal) value object created in our JNI layer to represent a leaf with all stored data.
LeafNode(long, long, long, long, double, Object, short) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.tree.LeafNode
All-args constructor used by JNI (don't change, it's actually used).
less(byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less than ('<')" condition for this property.
less(double) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less than ('<')" condition for this property.
less(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less than ('<')" condition for this property.
less(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less than ('<')" condition for this property.
less(short) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less than ('<')" condition for this property.
less(Property<T>, byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
less(Property<T>, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
less(Property<T>, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
less(Property<T>, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
less(Property<T>, Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
less(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less than ('<')" condition for this property using StringOrder#CASE_SENSITIVE.
less(String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less than ('<')" condition for this property.
less(Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less than ('<')" condition for this property.
LESS - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.ByteArrayCondition.Operation
LESS - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleCondition.Operation
LESS - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition.Operation
LESS - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation
LESS_OR_EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.ByteArrayCondition.Operation
LESS_OR_EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleCondition.Operation
LESS_OR_EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition.Operation
LESS_OR_EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation
lessOrEqual(byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less or equal ('<=')" condition for this property.
lessOrEqual(double) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less or equal ('<=')" condition for this property.
lessOrEqual(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less or equal ('<=')" condition for this property.
lessOrEqual(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less or equal ('<=')" condition for this property.
lessOrEqual(short) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less or equal ('<=')" condition for this property.
lessOrEqual(Property<T>, byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
lessOrEqual(Property<T>, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
lessOrEqual(Property<T>, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
lessOrEqual(Property<T>, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
lessOrEqual(Property<T>, Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
lessOrEqual(String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less or equal ('<=')" condition for this property.
lessOrEqual(Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "less or equal ('<=')" condition for this property.
link(RelationInfo<?, TARGET>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Creates a link to another entity, for which you also can describe conditions using the returned builder.
listener(SyncListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder
Sets a listener to observe all Sync events like login or sync completion.
ListFactory - Interface in io.objectbox.relation
ListFactory.ArrayListFactory - Class in io.objectbox.relation
ListFactory.CopyOnWriteArrayListFactory - Class in io.objectbox.relation
listIterator() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
listIterator() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
listIterator(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
listIterator(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
The returned iterator does not track any potential calls to Iterator.remove().
loadRemaining() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
Loads the remaining entities (if any) that were not loaded before.
LOG_ASYNC_QUEUE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.DebugFlags
LOG_ASYNC_QUEUE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.DebugFlags
LOG_CACHE_ALL - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.DebugFlags
LOG_CACHE_ALL - Static variable in class io.objectbox.DebugFlags
LOG_CACHE_HITS - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.DebugFlags
LOG_CACHE_HITS - Static variable in class io.objectbox.DebugFlags
LOG_EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.DebugFlags
For a limited number of error conditions, this will try to print stack traces.
LOG_EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.DebugFlags
For a limited number of error conditions, this will try to print stack traces.
LOG_QUERIES - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.DebugFlags
LOG_QUERIES - Static variable in class io.objectbox.DebugFlags
LOG_QUERY_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.DebugFlags
LOG_QUERY_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class io.objectbox.DebugFlags
LOG_TRANSACTIONS_READ - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.DebugFlags
LOG_TRANSACTIONS_READ - Static variable in class io.objectbox.DebugFlags
LOG_TRANSACTIONS_WRITE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.DebugFlags
LOG_TRANSACTIONS_WRITE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.DebugFlags
LOG_TREE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.DebugFlags
LOG_TREE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.DebugFlags
LOGGED_IN - io.objectbox.sync.SyncState
loginListener(SyncLoginListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder
Sets a listener to only observe Sync login events.
LongArrayCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongArrayCondition.Operation, long[]) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongArrayCondition
LongCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition.Operation, boolean) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition
LongCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition.Operation, long) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition
LongCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition.Operation, Date) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition
LongFlexMapConverter - Class in io.objectbox.converter
Used to automatically convert Map<Long, V>.
LongFlexMapConverter() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.converter.LongFlexMapConverter
LongLongCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongLongCondition.Operation, long, long) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongLongCondition
LongLongCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongLongCondition.Operation, Date, Date) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongLongCondition
LongLongMapConverter - Class in io.objectbox.converter
Used to automatically convert Map&lt;Long, Long&gt;.
LongLongMapConverter() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.converter.LongLongMapConverter
lt(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property


MANUAL - io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder.RequestUpdatesMode
Once logged in, does not request any sync updates automatically.
max() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Finds the maximum value for the given property over all Objects matching the query.
maxDataSizeInKbyte() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
Data size tracking is more involved than DB size tracking, e.g.
maxDataSizeInKByte(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Sets the maximum size the data stored in the database can grow to.
maxDbSizeInKbyte() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
This maximum size setting is meant to prevent your database from growing to unexpected sizes, e.g.
maxDouble() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Finds the maximum value for the given property over all Objects matching the query.
maxReaders() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
The maximum number of readers (related to read transactions).
maxReaders(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Sets the maximum number of concurrent readers.
maxSizeInKByte(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Sets the maximum size the database file can grow to.
metaId - Variable in class io.objectbox.tree.LeafNode
min() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Finds the minimum value for the given property over all Objects matching the query.
minDouble() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Finds the minimum value for the given property over all objects matching the query.
modelBytes(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
Provide a data model, e.g.
modelBytesAsByteBuffer() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
modelBytesInByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
modelBytesLength() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
modelBytesVector() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
modelBytesVector(ByteVector) - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions


name - Variable in class io.objectbox.Property
name(int) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.ValidateOnOpenModeKv
name(int) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.ValidateOnOpenModePages
name(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Name of the database, which will be used as a directory for database files.
NameInDb - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Allows to specify a simple name mapping for entities and properties.
names - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.ValidateOnOpenModeKv
names - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.ValidateOnOpenModePages
NearestNeighborCondition(Property<T>, float[], int) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.NearestNeighborCondition
nearestNeighbors(float[], int) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Performs an approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search to find objects near to the given queryVector.
nearestNeighbors(Property<T>, float[], int) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
neighborsPerNode() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.HnswIndex
Aka "M": the max number of connections per node (default: 30).
next() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList.LazyIterator
nextIndex() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList.LazyIterator
none() - Static method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials
No authentication, unsecured.
None - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.ValidateOnOpenModePages
No additional checks are performed.
NONE - io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials.CredentialsType
NonUniqueResultException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
Thrown if Query.findUnique() or Query.findUniqueId() is called, but the query matches more than one object.
NonUniqueResultException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.NonUniqueResultException
noReaderThreadLocals() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Disables the usage of thread locals for "readers" related to read transactions.
noReaderThreadLocals() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
Disables the usage of thread locals for "readers" related to read transactions.
NOT_EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition.Operation
NOT_EQUAL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation
NOT_IN - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.IntArrayCondition.Operation
NOT_IN - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongArrayCondition.Operation
NOT_NULL - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.NullCondition.Operation
notEq(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
notEqual(boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "not equal ('<>')" condition for this property.
notEqual(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "not equal ('<>')" condition for this property.
notEqual(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "not equal ('<>')" condition for this property.
notEqual(short) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "not equal ('<>')" condition for this property.
notEqual(Property<T>, boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
notEqual(Property<T>, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
notEqual(Property<T>, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Creates a "not equal ('<>')" condition for this property.
notEqual(Property<T>, Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
notEqual(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "not equal ('<>')" condition for this property using StringOrder#CASE_SENSITIVE.
notEqual(String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "not equal ('<>')" condition for this property.
notEqual(Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "not equal ('<>')" condition for this property.
notifyConnectionAvailable() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.ConnectivityMonitor
Notifies the observer that a connection is available.
notifyConnectionAvailable() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Lets the sync client know that a working network connection is available.
notifyConnectionAvailable() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
notIn(Property<T>, int[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
notIn(Property<T>, long[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
notNull() - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "IS NOT NULL" condition for this property.
notNull(Property<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
notOneOf(int[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "NOT IN (..., ..., ...)" condition for this property.
notOneOf(long[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a "NOT IN (..., ..., ...)" condition for this property.
NullCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.NullCondition.Operation) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.NullCondition
NULLS_LAST - Static variable in class io.objectbox.query.OrderFlags
null values will be put last.
NULLS_LAST - Static variable in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
null values will be put last.
NULLS_ZERO - Static variable in class io.objectbox.query.OrderFlags
null values should be treated equal to zero (scalars only).
NULLS_ZERO - Static variable in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
null values should be treated equal to zero (scalars only).
NullToEmptyStringConverter - Class in io.objectbox.converter
Used as a converter if a property is annotated with @DefaultValue("").
NullToEmptyStringConverter() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.converter.NullToEmptyStringConverter
nullValue(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
By default, null values are not returned by find methods (primitive arrays cannot contains nulls).
NumericOverflowException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
Thrown if a property query aggregate function can not compute a result due to a number type overflowing.
NumericOverflowException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.NumericOverflowException


ObjectsMessageBuilder - Interface in io.objectbox.sync
objectValue - Variable in class io.objectbox.tree.LeafNode
One of String, byte[], String[]
ObjectWithScore<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
Wraps a matching object and a score when using Query.findWithScores(long, long).
ObjectWithScore(T, double) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.ObjectWithScore
observer(DataObserver<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.reactive.SubscriptionBuilder
Sets the observer for this subscription and requests the latest data to be delivered immediately.
OBX_ADMIN_USER - io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials.CredentialsType
OK - Static variable in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncLoginCodes
on(Scheduler) - Method in class io.objectbox.reactive.SubscriptionBuilder
Changes the thread in which the DataObserver (and potentially @ErrorObserver) is called.
onConflict() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.Unique
The strategy to use when a conflict is detected when an object is put.
onData(T) - Method in interface io.objectbox.reactive.DataObserver
Called when data changed.
onDbException(Exception) - Method in interface io.objectbox.exception.DbExceptionListener
Called when an exception is thrown during a database operation.
onDisconnected() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.listener.AbstractSyncListener
onDisconnected() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.listener.SyncConnectionListener
Called when the client is disconnected from the sync server, e.g.
oneOf(int[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "IN (..., ..., ...)" condition for this property.
oneOf(long[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "IN (..., ..., ...)" condition for this property.
oneOf(String[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "IN (..., ..., ...)" condition for this property using StringOrder#CASE_SENSITIVE.
oneOf(String[], QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates an "IN (..., ..., ...)" condition for this property.
onError(ErrorObserver) - Method in class io.objectbox.reactive.SubscriptionBuilder
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface io.objectbox.reactive.ErrorObserver
Called when an exception was thrown.
onLoggedIn() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.listener.AbstractSyncListener
onLoggedIn() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.listener.SyncLoginListener
Called on a successful login.
onLoginFailed(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.listener.AbstractSyncListener
onLoginFailed(long) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.listener.SyncLoginListener
Called on a login failure.
onlyChanges() - Method in class io.objectbox.reactive.SubscriptionBuilder
Upon subscribing do not deliver the latest data, only once there are changes.
onObserverRemoved() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.ConnectivityMonitor
Called right after the observer was removed.
onObserverSet() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.ConnectivityMonitor
Called right after the observer was set.
onServerTimeUpdate(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.listener.AbstractSyncListener
onServerTimeUpdate(long) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.listener.SyncTimeListener
Called when server time information is received on the client.
onSyncChanges(SyncChange[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.listener.AbstractSyncListener
onSyncChanges(SyncChange[]) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.listener.SyncChangeListener
Called each time when data from sync was applied locally.
onUpdatesCompleted() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.listener.AbstractSyncListener
onUpdatesCompleted() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.listener.SyncCompletedListener
Called each time a sync was "completed", in the sense that the client caught up with the current server state.
or() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Combines the previous condition with the following condition with a logical OR.
or(QueryCondition<T>) - Method in interface io.objectbox.query.QueryCondition
Combines this condition using OR with the given condition.
order(Property<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Specifies given property to be used for sorting.
order(Property<T>, int) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Defines the order with which the results are ordered (default: none).
orderDesc(Property<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Specifies given property in descending order to be used for sorting.
OrderFlags - Class in io.objectbox.query
Not really an enum, but binary flags to use across languages
ordinal - Variable in class io.objectbox.Property


PagesCorruptException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
Errors related to pages were detected in a database file, e.g.
PagesCorruptException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.PagesCorruptException
PagesCorruptException(String, int) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.PagesCorruptException
panicModeRemoveAll() - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
WARNING: this method should generally be avoided as it is not transactional and thus may leave the DB in an inconsistent state.
parameterAlias(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
Assigns the given alias to the previous condition.
peek(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
Like get but does not load the entity if it was not loaded before.
peer(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerBuilder
Adds a server peer, to which this server should connect to as a client using SyncCredentials.none().
peer(String, SyncCredentials) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerBuilder
Adds a server peer, to which this server should connect to as a client using the given credentials.
Platform - Class in io.objectbox.sync.internal
Provides access to platform-specific features.
Platform() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.sync.internal.Platform
previous() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList.LazyIterator
FIXME: before previous(), next() must be called.
previousIndex() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList.LazyIterator
property - Variable in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl
property(Property<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Creates a PropertyQuery for the given property.
Property<ENTITY> - Class in io.objectbox
Meta data describing a Property of an ObjectBox Entity.
Property(EntityInfo<ENTITY>, int, int, Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.Property
Property(EntityInfo<ENTITY>, int, int, Class<?>, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.Property
Property(EntityInfo<ENTITY>, int, int, Class<?>, String, boolean, boolean, String, Class<? extends PropertyConverter>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.Property
Property(EntityInfo<ENTITY>, int, int, Class<?>, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.Property
Property(EntityInfo<ENTITY>, int, int, Class<?>, String, boolean, String, Class<? extends PropertyConverter>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.Property
PropertyConverter<P,​D> - Interface in io.objectbox.converter
To use custom types in your entity, implement this to convert db values to entity values and back.
PropertyQuery - Class in io.objectbox.query
Query for a specific property; create using Query.property(Property).
PropertyQueryCondition<T> - Interface in io.objectbox.query
A condition on a Property, which can have an alias to allow referring to it later.
PropertyQueryConditionImpl<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
Property based query conditions with implementations split by number and type of values, such as LongCondition, LongLongCondition, LongArrayCondition and the general NullCondition.
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.ByteArrayCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.ByteArrayCondition.Operation - Enum in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleCondition.Operation - Enum in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleDoubleCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleDoubleCondition.Operation - Enum in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.IntArrayCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.IntArrayCondition.Operation - Enum in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongArrayCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongArrayCondition.Operation - Enum in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition.Operation - Enum in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongLongCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongLongCondition.Operation - Enum in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.NearestNeighborCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
Conditions for properties with an HnswIndex.
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.NullCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.NullCondition.Operation - Enum in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringArrayCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringArrayCondition.Operation - Enum in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation - Enum in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringStringCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringStringCondition.Operation - Enum in io.objectbox.query
provide() - Method in interface io.objectbox.Factory
publish() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Publishes the current data to all subscribed @DataObservers.
publishSingle(DataObserver<T>, Object) - Method in interface io.objectbox.reactive.DataPublisher
put(Leaf) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (persists) a data leaf (containing a data value).
put(Collection<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Puts the given entities in a box using a single transaction.
put(T) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Puts the given object and returns its (new) ID.
put(T...) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Puts the given entities in a box using a single transaction.
putBatched(Collection<T>, int) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Puts the given entities in a box in batches using a separate transaction for each batch.
putBranch(long, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Put a new (inserts) data branch
putBranch(long, long, long, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Put a new or existing data branch
putBranch(long, long, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Put a new (inserts) data branch
putMetaBranch(long, long, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (persists) a branch in the metamodel.
putMetaBranch(long, long, String, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (persists) a branch in the metamodel with an optional description.
putMetaBranches(long, String[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (persists) several branches in the metamodel from the given parent ID (must be a meta branch).
putMetaBranches(String[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (persists) several branches in the metamodel to create the given path from the root.
putMetaLeaf(long, long, String, short) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (persists) a data leaf in the metamodel (describes values).
putMetaLeaf(long, long, String, short, boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (persists) a data leaf in the metamodel (describes values).
putMetaLeaf(long, long, String, short, boolean, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (persists) a data leaf in the metamodel (describes values).
putPaddingMode() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
Don't touch unless you know exactly what you are doing: Advanced setting typically meant for language bindings (not end users).
putValue(long, long, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (inserts) a new data value (using a data leaf).
putValue(long, long, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (inserts) a new data value (using a data leaf).
putValue(long, long, long, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (persists) a data value (using a data leaf).
putValue(long, long, long, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (persists) a data value (using a data leaf).
putValue(long, long, long, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (persists) a data value (using a data leaf).
putValue(long, long, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Puts (inserts) a new data value (using a data leaf).


query() - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
New code should use Box.query(QueryCondition) instead.
query(QueryCondition<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Applies the given query conditions and returns the builder for further customization, such as result order.
Query<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
A repeatable Query returning the latest matching objects.
queryAttempts(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
For massive concurrent setups (app is using a lot of threads), you can enable automatic retries for queries.
QueryBuilder<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
Builds a Query using conditions which can then be used to return a list of matching Objects.
QueryBuilder(Box<T>, long, String) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
QueryBuilder.StringOrder - Enum in io.objectbox.query
QueryCondition<T> - Interface in io.objectbox.query
Allows building queries with a fluent interface.
QueryConsumer<T> - Interface in io.objectbox.query
QueryFilter<T> - Interface in io.objectbox.query
Decides which entities to keep as a query result.
QueryThreadLocal<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
A ThreadLocal that, given an original Query object, returns a copy, for each thread.
QueryThreadLocal(Query<T>) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.QueryThreadLocal


readOnly() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Open the store in read-only mode: no schema update, no write transactions are allowed (would throw).
readOnly() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
Open store in read-only mode: no schema update, no write transactions.
Regular - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.ValidateOnOpenModeKv
Performs standard checks.
Regular - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.ValidateOnOpenModePages
Performs a limited number of checks on the most important database structures (e.g.
relationCount(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
Creates a condition to match objects that have relationCount related objects pointing to them.
relationCount(RelationInfo<T, ?>, int) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
RelationCountCondition<T> - Class in io.objectbox.query
RelationCountCondition(RelationInfo<T, ?>, int) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.RelationCountCondition
relationId - Variable in class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
For stand-alone to-many relations (0 otherwise).
RelationInfo<SOURCE,​TARGET> - Class in io.objectbox.relation
Meta info describing a relation including source and target entity.
RelationInfo(EntityInfo<SOURCE>, EntityInfo<TARGET>, ToManyGetter<SOURCE, TARGET>, int) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
Stand-alone ToMany.
RelationInfo(EntityInfo<SOURCE>, EntityInfo<TARGET>, ToManyGetter<SOURCE, TARGET>, ToManyGetter<TARGET, SOURCE>, int) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
ToMany as a ToMany backlink
RelationInfo(EntityInfo<SOURCE>, EntityInfo<TARGET>, ToManyGetter<SOURCE, TARGET>, Property<TARGET>, ToOneGetter<TARGET, SOURCE>) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
ToMany as a ToOne backlink
RelationInfo(EntityInfo<SOURCE>, EntityInfo<TARGET>, Property<SOURCE>, ToOneGetter<SOURCE, TARGET>) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
remove() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList.LazyIterator
remove() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Removes (deletes) all Objects matching the query
remove(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
remove(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
remove(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Removes (deletes) the object with the given ID.
remove(long...) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Like Box.remove(long), but removes multiple objects in a single transaction.
remove(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
remove(Object) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
remove(Collection<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Like Box.remove(Object), but removes multiple objects in a single transaction.
remove(T) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Like Box.remove(long), but obtains the ID from the @Id property of the given object instead.
remove(T...) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Like Box.remove(Object), but removes multiple objects in a single transaction.
removeAll() - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Like Box.remove(long), but removes all objects in a single transaction.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
removeAllObjects() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Removes all objects from all types ("boxes"), e.g.
removeById(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
Removes an object by its entity ID.
removeByIds(Collection<Long>) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
Like Box.remove(long), but removes multiple objects in a single transaction.
removeByKeys(Collection<Long>) - Method in class io.objectbox.Box
reparationBacklinkProbability() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.HnswIndex
When repairing the graph after a node was removed, this gives the probability of adding backlinks to the repaired neighbors.
reparationLimitCandidates() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.HnswFlags
If the speed of removing nodes becomes a concern in your use case, you can speed it up by setting this flag.
REPLACE - io.objectbox.annotation.ConflictStrategy
Any conflicting objects are deleted before the object is inserted.
REQ_REJECTED - Static variable in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncLoginCodes
requestFullSync() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
requestFullSync() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
Temporary only, try not to use it.
requestFullSyncAndUpdates() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
Temporary only, try not to use it.
requestUpdates() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Asks the sync server to resume sync updates.
requestUpdates() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
requestUpdatesMode(SyncBuilder.RequestUpdatesMode) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder
Configure automatic sync updates from the server.
requestUpdatesOnce() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Asks the server to send sync updates until this sync client is up-to-date, then pauses sync updates again.
requestUpdatesOnce() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
reset() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Clears all values (e.g.
reset() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
Resets the already loaded (cached) objects of this list, so they will be re-loaded when accessing this list again.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
run(RunWithParam<T>, T) - Method in interface io.objectbox.reactive.Scheduler
run(T) - Method in interface io.objectbox.reactive.RunWithParam
RUN_THREADING_SELF_TEST - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.DebugFlags
Run a quick self-test to verify basic threading; somewhat paranoia to check the platform and the library setup.
RUN_THREADING_SELF_TEST - Static variable in class io.objectbox.DebugFlags
Run a quick self-test to verify basic threading; somewhat paranoia to check the platform and the library setup.
runInReadTx(Runnable) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Runs the given runnable inside a read(-only) transaction.
runInReadTx(Runnable) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Similar to BoxStore.runInReadTx(Runnable), but allows Tree functions.
runInTx(Runnable) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Runs the given runnable inside a transaction.
runInTx(Runnable) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Similar to BoxStore.runInTx(Runnable), but allows Tree functions.
runInTxAsync(Runnable, TxCallback<Void>) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Runs the given Runnable as a transaction in a separate thread.
RunWithParam<T> - Interface in io.objectbox.reactive


Scheduler - Interface in io.objectbox.reactive
send() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.ObjectsMessageBuilder
Sends the message, returns true if successful.
send() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl.ObjectsMessageBuilderImpl
server(BoxStore, String, SyncCredentials) - Static method in class io.objectbox.sync.Sync
Start building a sync server.
set(int, E) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
set(int, TARGET) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
set(E) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList.LazyIterator
setAndPutTarget(TARGET) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
Sets or clears the target entity and ID in the source entity, then puts the source entity to persist changes.
setAndPutTargetAlways(TARGET) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
Sets or clears the target entity and ID in the source entity, then puts the target (if not null) and source entity to persist changes.
setComparator(Comparator<TARGET>) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
Set an comparator to define the order of entities.
setDbExceptionListener(DbExceptionListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Sets a listener that will be called when an exception is thrown.
setDouble(double) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
setInt(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
setListFactory(ListFactory) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
Currently only used for non-persisted entities (id == 0).
setLoginCredentials(SyncCredentials) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Updates the login credentials.
setLoginCredentials(SyncCredentials) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
setParameter(Property<?>, boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to a new value.
setParameter(Property<?>, byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to new values.
setParameter(Property<?>, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to a new value.
setParameter(Property<?>, float[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Changes the parameter of the query condition for property to a new value.
setParameter(Property<?>, int[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Changes the parameter of the query condition for property to a new value.
setParameter(Property<?>, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to a new value.
setParameter(Property<?>, long[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Changes the parameter of the query condition for property to a new value.
setParameter(Property<?>, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to a new value.
setParameter(Property<?>, String[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Changes the parameter of the query condition for property to a new value.
setParameter(Property<?>, Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to a new value.
setParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to a new value.
setParameter(String, byte[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to new values.
setParameter(String, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to a new value.
setParameter(String, float[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Changes the parameter of the query condition with the matching alias to a new value.
setParameter(String, int[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Changes the parameter of the query condition with the matching alias to a new value.
setParameter(String, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to a new value.
setParameter(String, long[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Changes the parameter of the query condition with the matching alias to a new value.
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to a new value.
setParameter(String, String[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Changes the parameter of the query condition with the matching alias to a new value.
setParameter(String, Date) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to a new value.
setParameters(Property<?>, double, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to new values.
setParameters(Property<?>, int[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
setParameters(Property<?>, long[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
setParameters(Property<?>, long, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to new values.
setParameters(Property<?>, String[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
setParameters(Property<?>, String, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to new values.
setParameters(String, double, double) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to new values.
setParameters(String, int[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
setParameters(String, long[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
setParameters(String, long, long) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to new values.
setParameters(String, String[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
setParameters(String, String, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
Sets a parameter previously given to the QueryBuilder to new values.
setPathSeparatorRegex(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
setRemoveFromTargetBox(boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
On put, this also deletes removed entities from the target Box.
setString(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
setStringArray(String[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.tree.Leaf
setSyncChangeListener(SyncChangeListener) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServer
setSyncChangeListener(SyncChangeListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerImpl
setSyncChangeListener(SyncChangeListener) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
setSyncChangeListener(SyncChangeListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
setSyncClient(BoxStore, SyncClient) - Static method in class io.objectbox.InternalAccess
setSyncCompletedListener(SyncCompletedListener) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Sets a listener to observe Sync completed events.
setSyncCompletedListener(SyncCompletedListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
setSyncConnectionListener(SyncConnectionListener) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Sets a listener to observe Sync connection events.
setSyncConnectionListener(SyncConnectionListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
setSyncListener(SyncListener) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Sets a listener to observe all Sync events.
setSyncListener(SyncListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
setSyncLoginListener(SyncLoginListener) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Sets a listener to observe login events.
setSyncLoginListener(SyncLoginListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
setSyncTimeListener(SyncTimeListener) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
setSyncTimeListener(SyncTimeListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
setTarget(TARGET) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
Sets or clears the target entity and ID in the source entity.
setTargetId(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
Sets or clears the target ID in the source entity.
SHARED_SECRET - io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials.CredentialsType
SHARED_SECRET_SIPPED - io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials.CredentialsType
sharedGlobalIds() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.Sync
Set to true to enable shared global IDs for a Sync-enabled Entity class.
sharedSecret(byte[]) - Static method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials
Authenticate with a shared secret.
sharedSecret(String) - Static method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials
Authenticate with a shared secret.
shouldRestoreAsLong(FlexBuffers.Reference) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.FlexObjectConverter
Returns true if the width in bytes stored in the private parentWidth field of FlexBuffers.Reference is 8.
shouldRestoreAsLong(FlexBuffers.Reference) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.IntegerLongMapConverter
shouldRestoreAsLong(FlexBuffers.Reference) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.LongLongMapConverter
shouldRestoreAsLong(FlexBuffers.Reference) - Method in class io.objectbox.converter.StringLongMapConverter
single() - Method in class io.objectbox.reactive.SubscriptionBuilder
Only deliver the latest data once, do not subscribe for data changes.
size() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
size() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
sizeOnDisk() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Use BoxStore.getDbSize() or BoxStore.getDbSizeOnDisk() instead which properly handle in-memory databases.
skipReadSchema() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
Advanced setting meant only for special scenarios: opens the database in a limited, schema-less mode.
sort(Comparator<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
sortById() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
Sorts the list by the "natural" ObjectBox order for to-many list (by entity ID).
sourceInfo - Variable in class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
start() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServer
Starts the server (e.g.
start() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerImpl
start() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Starts the client.
start() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
STARTED - io.objectbox.sync.SyncState
startFlatStoreOptions(FlatBufferBuilder) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
startModelBytesVector(FlatBufferBuilder, int) - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
startObjectBrowser() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
startObjectBrowser(int) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
startObjectBrowser(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
startObjectsMessage(long, String) - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
startObjectsMessage(long, String) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
STARTS_WITH - io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation
startsWith(Property<T>, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
startsWith(String) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
Creates a starts with condition using StringOrder#CASE_SENSITIVE.
startsWith(String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
stop() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServer
Stops the server.
stop() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerImpl
stop() - Method in interface io.objectbox.sync.SyncClient
Stops the client.
stop() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncClientImpl
stopObjectBrowser() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
STOPPED - io.objectbox.sync.SyncState
StringArrayCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringArrayCondition.Operation, String[]) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringArrayCondition
StringArrayCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringArrayCondition.Operation, String[], QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringArrayCondition
StringCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation, String) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition
StringCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition
StringFlexMapConverter - Class in io.objectbox.converter
Used to automatically convert Map&lt;String, V&gt;.
StringFlexMapConverter() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.converter.StringFlexMapConverter
StringLongMapConverter - Class in io.objectbox.converter
Used to automatically convert Map&lt;String, Long&gt;.
StringLongMapConverter() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.converter.StringLongMapConverter
StringMapConverter - Class in io.objectbox.converter
Converts a String map entity property to a byte array database value using FlexBuffers.
StringMapConverter() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.converter.StringMapConverter
StringStringCondition(Property<T>, PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringStringCondition.Operation, String, String, QueryBuilder.StringOrder) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringStringCondition
subList(int, int) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
subList(int, int) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
The returned sub list does not do any change tracking.
subscribe() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
A DataObserver can be subscribed to data changes using the returned builder.
subscribe() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
A DataObserver can be subscribed to data changes using the returned builder.
subscribe(DataObserver<T>, Object) - Method in interface io.objectbox.reactive.DataPublisher
subscribe(DataSubscriptionList) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.Query
subscribe(Class<T>) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Like BoxStore.subscribe(), but wires the supplied @DataObserver only to the given object class for notifications.
SubscriptionBuilder<T> - Class in io.objectbox.reactive
SubscriptionBuilder(DataPublisher<T>, Object) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.reactive.SubscriptionBuilder
sum() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Sums up all values for the given property over all Objects matching the query.
sumDouble() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
Sums up all values for the given property over all Objects matching the query.
Sync - Class in io.objectbox.sync
ObjectBox Sync makes data available on other devices.
Sync - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Enables sync for an Entity class.
SyncBuilder - Class in io.objectbox.sync
A builder to create a SyncClient; the builder itself should be created via Sync.client(BoxStore, String, SyncCredentials).
SyncBuilder(BoxStore, String, SyncCredentials) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder
SyncBuilder.RequestUpdatesMode - Enum in io.objectbox.sync
SyncChange - Class in io.objectbox.sync
A collection of changes made to one entity type during a sync transaction.
SyncChange(int, long[], long[]) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.sync.SyncChange
SyncChange(long, long[], long[]) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.sync.SyncChange
SyncChangeListener - Interface in io.objectbox.sync.listener
Notifies of fine granular changes on the object level happening during sync.
SyncClient - Interface in io.objectbox.sync
ObjectBox sync client.
SyncClientImpl - Class in io.objectbox.sync
Internal sync client implementation.
SyncClientImpl.ObjectsMessageBuilderImpl - Class in io.objectbox.sync
SyncCompletedListener - Interface in io.objectbox.sync.listener
Listens to sync completed events.
SyncConnectionListener - Interface in io.objectbox.sync.listener
Listens to sync connection events.
SyncCredentials - Class in io.objectbox.sync
Use the static helper methods to build Sync credentials, for example SyncCredentials.sharedSecret("secret").
SyncCredentials.CredentialsType - Enum in io.objectbox.sync
SyncCredentialsToken - Class in io.objectbox.sync
Internal credentials implementation.
SyncCredentialsUserPassword - Class in io.objectbox.sync
Internal credentials implementation for user and password authentication.
SyncListener - Interface in io.objectbox.sync.listener
This listener has callback methods invoked by all fundamental synchronization events.
SyncLoginCodes - Class in io.objectbox.sync
SyncLoginListener - Interface in io.objectbox.sync.listener
Listens to login events.
SyncServer - Interface in io.objectbox.sync.server
ObjectBox sync server.
SyncServerBuilder - Class in io.objectbox.sync.server
Creates a SyncServer and allows to set additional configuration.
SyncServerBuilder(BoxStore, String, SyncCredentials) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.sync.server.SyncServerBuilder
SyncServerImpl - Class in io.objectbox.sync.server
Internal sync server implementation.
SyncState - Enum in io.objectbox.sync
SyncTimeListener - Interface in io.objectbox.sync.listener
sysProcMeminfoKb(String) - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Linux only: extracts a kB value from /proc/meminfo (system wide memory information).
sysProcStatusKb(String) - Static method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Linux only: extracts a kB value from /proc/self/status (process specific information).


targetIdProperty - Variable in class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
For relations based on a target ID property (null otherwise).
TargetIdProperty - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Defines the property serving as the target ID of a ToOne.
targetInfo - Variable in class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
targetRelationId - Variable in class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
For ToMany relations based on ToMany backlinks (0 otherwise).
timeListener(SyncTimeListener) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder
Sets a listener to only observe Sync time events.
to() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.Backlink
Name of the relation the backlink should be based on (e.g.
toArray() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
toArray() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
toArray(T[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.query.LazyList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
ToMany<TARGET> - Class in io.objectbox.relation
A lazily loaded List of target objects representing a to-many relation, a unidirectional link from a "source" entity to multiple objects of a "target" entity.
ToMany(Object, RelationInfo<?, TARGET>) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.relation.ToMany
toManyGetter - Variable in class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
Only set for ToMany relations
ToOne<TARGET> - Class in io.objectbox.relation
Manages a to-one relation: resolves the target object, keeps the target Id in sync, etc.
ToOne(Object, RelationInfo<?, TARGET>) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.relation.ToOne
In Java, the constructor call is generated by the ObjectBox plugin.
toOneGetter - Variable in class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
Only set for ToOne relations
toString() - Method in exception io.objectbox.exception.DbException
toString() - Method in class io.objectbox.Property
toString() - Method in class io.objectbox.relation.RelationInfo
transform(FROM) - Method in interface io.objectbox.reactive.DataTransformer
Transforms/processes the given data.
transform(DataTransformer<T, TO>) - Method in class io.objectbox.reactive.SubscriptionBuilder
Transforms the original data from the publisher to some other type.
Transient - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Transient fields are not persisted in the database.
Tree - Class in io.objectbox.tree
A higher level tree API operating on branch and leaf nodes.
Tree(BoxStore, long) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Create a tree instance for the given data-branch root ID.
Tree(BoxStore, String) - Constructor for class io.objectbox.tree.Tree
Create a tree instance for the given meta-branch root uid, or find a singular root if 0 is given.
TreeOptionFlags - Class in io.objectbox.config
Options flags for trees.
trustedCertificates(String[]) - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder
Configures a custom set of directory or file paths to search for trusted certificates in.
TX_VIOLATED_UNIQUE - Static variable in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncLoginCodes
TxCallback<T> - Interface in io.objectbox
txFinished(T, Throwable) - Method in interface io.objectbox.TxCallback
Called when an asynchronous transaction finished.
type - Variable in class io.objectbox.Property
One of the supported types to be mapped to the DB.
type() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.Index
Sets the IndexType, defaults to IndexType.DEFAULT.
Type - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Use on a property to override how its value is stored and interpreted in the database.


Uid - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
UIDs identify entities (and properties) uniquely in the meta object model file (objectbox-model/default.json).
uncommittedAcks() - Method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder
Turns on sending of uncommitted acks.
unique() - Method in class io.objectbox.query.PropertyQuery
For find methods returning single values, e.g.
Unique - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Enforces that the value of a property is unique among all objects in a box before an object can be put.
UniqueViolationException - Exception in io.objectbox.exception
Thrown when a @Unique constraint would be violated during a put operation.
UniqueViolationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.objectbox.exception.UniqueViolationException
Unknown - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.ValidateOnOpenModeKv
Not a real type, just best practice (e.g.
Unknown - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.ValidateOnOpenModePages
Not a real type, just best practice (e.g.
UNKNOWN - io.objectbox.sync.SyncState
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncLoginCodes
unregisterTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Unsigned - Annotation Type in io.objectbox.annotation
Indicates that values of an integer property (e.g.
UNSIGNED - Static variable in class io.objectbox.query.OrderFlags
For scalars only: changes the comparison to unsigned (default is signed).
UNSIGNED - Static variable in class io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder
For scalars only: changes the comparison to unsigned (default is signed).
unsubscribe(DataObserver<T>, Object) - Method in interface io.objectbox.reactive.DataPublisher
useNoArgConstructor() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.Entity
Use a no-arg constructor instead of an all properties constructor (generated).
usePreviousCommit() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
Ignores the latest data snapshot (committed transaction state) and uses the previous snapshot instead.
usePreviousCommit() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
Advanced setting recommended to be used together with read-only mode to ensure no data is lost.
usePreviousCommitOnValidationFailure() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
USER_PASSWORD - io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials.CredentialsType
userAndPassword(String, String) - Static method in class io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials


validate(long, boolean) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStore
Validate database pages, a lower level storage unit (integrity check).
validateOnOpen(short) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
When a database is opened, ObjectBox can perform additional consistency checks on its database structure.
validateOnOpenKv() - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
When a database is opened, ObjectBox can perform additional consistency checks on its database structure.
validateOnOpenKv() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
When a database is opened, ObjectBox can perform additional consistency checks on its database structure.
validateOnOpenKv(short) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
When a database is opened, ObjectBox can perform additional consistency checks on its database structure.
ValidateOnOpenModeKv - Class in io.objectbox.config
Defines if and how the database is checked for valid key/value (KV) entries when opening it.
ValidateOnOpenModePages - Class in io.objectbox.config
Defines if and how the database is checked for structural consistency (pages) when opening it.
validateOnOpenPageLimit() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
To fine-tune database validation, you can specify a limit on how much data is looked at.
validateOnOpenPageLimit(long) - Method in class io.objectbox.BoxStoreBuilder
To fine-tune BoxStoreBuilder.validateOnOpen(short), you can specify a limit on how much data is looked at.
validateOnOpenPages() - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
When a database is opened, ObjectBox can perform additional consistency checks on its database structure.
ValidateVersion() - Static method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
value() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.DefaultValue
value() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.NameInDb
Name used in the database.
value() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.TargetIdProperty
Name used in the database.
value() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.Type
value() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.Uid
The UID associated with an entity/property.
VALUE - io.objectbox.annotation.IndexType
Use the property value to build the index.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.annotation.ConflictStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.annotation.DatabaseType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.annotation.IndexType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.annotation.VectorDistanceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.ByteArrayCondition.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleCondition.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleDoubleCondition.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.IntArrayCondition.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongArrayCondition.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongLongCondition.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.NullCondition.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringArrayCondition.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringStringCondition.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder.StringOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder.RequestUpdatesMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials.CredentialsType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.objectbox.sync.SyncState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.annotation.ConflictStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.annotation.DatabaseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.annotation.IndexType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.annotation.VectorDistanceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.ByteArrayCondition.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleCondition.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.DoubleDoubleCondition.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.IntArrayCondition.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongArrayCondition.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongCondition.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.LongLongCondition.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.NullCondition.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringArrayCondition.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringCondition.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.PropertyQueryConditionImpl.StringStringCondition.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.query.QueryBuilder.StringOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.sync.SyncBuilder.RequestUpdatesMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.sync.SyncCredentials.CredentialsType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.objectbox.sync.SyncState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueType - Variable in class io.objectbox.tree.LeafNode
See PropertyType for values.
Vector() - Constructor for class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions.Vector
vectorCacheHintSizeKB() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.HnswIndex
A non-binding hint at the maximum size of the vector cache in KB (default: 2097152 or 2 GB/GiB).
vectorCacheSimdPaddingOff() - Method in annotation type io.objectbox.annotation.HnswFlags
Padding for SIMD is enabled by default, which uses more memory but may be faster.
VectorDistanceType - Enum in io.objectbox.annotation
The vector distance algorithm used by an HnswIndex (vector search).


weak() - Method in class io.objectbox.reactive.SubscriptionBuilder
Uses a weak reference for the observer.
WithLeaves - Static variable in class io.objectbox.config.ValidateOnOpenModePages
Performs a limited number of checks on database structures including "data leaves".


__assign(int, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions.Vector
__assign(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
__init(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.objectbox.config.FlatStoreOptions
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