Class SyncBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • trustedCertificates

        public SyncBuilder trustedCertificates​(java.lang.String[] paths)
        Configures a custom set of directory or file paths to search for trusted certificates in. The first path that exists will be used.

        Using this option is not recommended in most cases, as by default the sync client uses the certificate authorities trusted by the host platform.

      • uncommittedAcks

        public SyncBuilder uncommittedAcks()
        Turns on sending of uncommitted acks.
      • changeListener

        public SyncBuilder changeListener​(SyncChangeListener changeListener)
        Sets a listener to observe fine granular changes happening during sync.

        This listener can also be set or removed on the Sync client directly.

      • listener

        public SyncBuilder listener​(SyncListener listener)
        Sets a listener to observe all Sync events like login or sync completion.

        Note: this will replace any login, completed or connection listener.

        This listener can also be set or removed on the Sync client directly.

      • buildAndStart

        public SyncClient buildAndStart()
        Builds, starts and returns a Sync client.