Annotation Type Backlink

  • @Retention(CLASS)
    public @interface Backlink
    Defines a backlink relation, which is based on another relation reversing the direction.

    Example (to-one relation): one "Order" references one "Customer". The backlink to this is a to-many in the reverse direction: one "Customer" has a number of "Order"s.

    Example (to-many relation): one "Teacher" references multiple "Student"s. The backlink to this: one "Student" has a number of "Teacher"s.

    Note: changes made to a backlink relation based on a to-many relation are ignored.

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String to
      Name of the relation the backlink should be based on (e.g.
    • Element Detail

      • to

        java.lang.String to
        Name of the relation the backlink should be based on (e.g. name of a ToOne or ToMany property in the target entity). Can be left empty if there is just a single relation from the target to the source entity.