Class SyncCredentials

    • Method Detail

      • sharedSecret

        public static SyncCredentials sharedSecret​(java.lang.String secret)
        Authenticate with a shared secret. This could be a passphrase, big number or randomly chosen bytes. The string is expected to use UTF-8 characters.
      • sharedSecret

        public static SyncCredentials sharedSecret​(byte[] secret)
        Authenticate with a shared secret. This could be a passphrase, big number or randomly chosen bytes.
      • google

        public static SyncCredentials google​(java.lang.String idToken)
        Authenticate with a Google account ID token obtained via Google Sign-In.
      • userAndPassword

        public static SyncCredentials userAndPassword​(java.lang.String user,
                                                      java.lang.String password)
      • none

        public static SyncCredentials none()
        No authentication, unsecured. Use only for development and testing purposes.
      • getTypeId

        public long getTypeId()