Class LeafNode

  • @Experimental
    public class LeafNode
    extends java.lang.Object
    (Potentially internal) value object created in our JNI layer to represent a leaf with all stored data. Note that only one of the value properties is actually set for any node.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      LeafNode​(long id, long branchId, long metaId, long integerValue, double floatingValue, java.lang.Object objectValue, short valueType)
      All-args constructor used by JNI (don't change, it's actually used).
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • id

        public final long id
      • branchId

        public final long branchId
      • metaId

        public final long metaId
      • integerValue

        public long integerValue
      • floatingValue

        public double floatingValue
      • objectValue

        public java.lang.Object objectValue
        One of String, byte[], String[]
      • valueType

        public short valueType
        See PropertyType for values. Attention: does not represent the type accurately yet: 1) Strings are Bytes, 2) all integer type are Long, 3) all FPs are Double.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LeafNode

        public LeafNode​(long id,
                        long branchId,
                        long metaId,
                        long integerValue,
                        double floatingValue,
                        java.lang.Object objectValue,
                        short valueType)
        All-args constructor used by JNI (don't change, it's actually used).