
public struct FlatBufferReader

Lightweight struct wrapper around FlatBuffer reading. Used by generated Swift code to hydrate an entity from the store.

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Bool

    Return Value

    false if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Int8

    Return Value

    0 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Int16

    Return Value

    0 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Int32

    Return Value

    0 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Int64

    Return Value

    0 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> UInt8

    Return Value

    0 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> UInt16

    Return Value

    0 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> UInt32

    Return Value

    0 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> UInt64

    Return Value

    0 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Int

    Return Value

    0 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> UInt

    Return Value

    0 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Float

    Return Value

    0 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Double

    Return Value

    0 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Date

    Return Value

    Jan 1st 1970 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func readNanos(at index: UInt16) -> Date

    Return Value

    Jan 1st 1970 if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> String

    Return Value

    empty string if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Data

    Return Value

    zero-length Data if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> [UInt8]

    Return Value

    zero-length array if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> [Float]

    Return Value

    zero-length array if a value is not present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written).

  • Declaration


    public func read<E>(at index: UInt16) -> EntityId<E> where E: EntityInspectable, E: __EntityRelatable,
        E == E.EntityBindingType.EntityType

    Return Value

    The ID read, if present, or the invalid ID of 0 if no ID was present.

  • Declaration


    public func read<T>(at index: UInt16, store: Store) -> ToOne<T> where T: EntityInspectable, T: __EntityRelatable,
        T == T.EntityBindingType.EntityType

    Return Value

    A to-one relation, ID will == 0 if the relation hasn’t been connected yet.

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Bool?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Int8?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Int16?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Int32?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Int64?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> UInt8?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> UInt16?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> UInt32?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> UInt64?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Float?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Double?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Int?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> UInt?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Date?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func readNanos(at index: UInt16) -> Date?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> String?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> Data?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> [UInt8]?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional)

  • Declaration


    public func read(at index: UInt16) -> [Float]?

    Return Value

    nil if the value isn’t present in the buffer (e.g. because it got added to the schema after this entity was written, or it just is an optional).