API Overview ============ This gives an overview of the ObjectBox Python API by showing most important parts to get started. For beginners, we recommend our `Python database docs `_ at for more details; especially the `Getting Started `_ guide. This covers more than just the obligatory ``pip install --upgrade objectbox``. .. currentmodule:: objectbox Defining the Data Model ----------------------- The ``@Entity`` decorator is used to define a class as an ObjectBox entity. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: Entity Each entity class defines a set of properties. The following property types are most commonly used: .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: Id String Int32 Int64 Float32 Float64 Date Float32Vector Note: ``Float32Vector`` is used for `on-device vector search `_. Classes ------- Now, with the data model defined, you can start using the ObjectBox database. These are the main classes to interact with: .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: Store Box Query What's next ----------- * `Python database docs (docs.objectbox.io) `_ * API reference (next in this API documentation)